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Tiana and Hakeem along with the entire cast and crew of the movie are currently on flight back to new York. While everyone is going to resume filming for months back in New York Tiana is filming one last scene and then she will be done. Tiana's last scene is Cookie going to jail. Obviously Cookie's in the movie up to when they got busted and she had to go to jail. Since she got arrested they are not going to show her in jail they are just going to follow luscious since the story is how he built his career and Empire. Cookies last scene in the movie is her walking out of jail. That is going to be played by Cookie herself because it's 17 years later and they will also switch everyone else out for the real people they are portraying in the movie.

Hakeem and Tiana are on a jet with the kids. T is playing with Bella while Hakeem is on his phone and Prince is napping.

Hakeem's P.O.V

I am scrolling through insta but my focus is on Tiana and Bella playing. I have always admired Tiana for her role in Bella's life. Even when we are going through it she is always there for her and acts like a mother figure. These past months have been great we got to spend so much time with them whether it was while on break on set or at the hotel we were always having fun. She decided to take this role so we could spend time together as a family but I've noticed she has been ignoring me. Ever since that movie night she been distant. I don't know why because I know I didn't do anything to her. So I'm ignoring her ass back. I wanted us to actually spend one on one time together since we've been really off when it comes to communicating. We agreed to stay broken up for good for the kids but ever since we've been really off. 

Tiana's P.O.V

Hakeem and I have been keeping our distance for one another. I can tell he is just being petty because I started it but I was keeping my distance for a reason he has just completely ignored me so we will see who wins this silent game I know he is going to cave. Anyways we only have half and hour left on this flight and then I will be able to see my boo. I will later on go handle my business at Empire and then I will officially be apart of the Bossy crew. We finally land and the kids are going home with Hakeem but they will be back with me next week. 

Next Day

Last night when Tiana got home she got and E-mail from Empire saying they are holding a Meeting today. That is perfect for her because she can announce that she's leaving. She has gotten ready and she is in the car with her driver on the way over there. She arrives and gets out of the car. She is meeting up with Devon before the meeting. They haven't physically seen each other for two months so they are excited to see each other. He texted T and told her he is in studio one so that's where she is going. She sees the room and knocks she hears him say come in and walks in. 

"Hey." She says standing by the door so he walks over to her and give her a kiss and a hug.

"I've missed you babe." He says letting her go and walking back to where he was sitting before she entered. 

"I've missed you too." She says as she walks towards a chair to sit down.

"What are you working on." She asks. 

"My duet with treasure for the ASA nomination party." He says while focusing on the beat playing.

"Oh but where she at." She says with an attitude. Tiana still has her hostilities towards Treasure but it's not as bad as it was a couple of months ago.

"She is in the Boardroom for a meeting but I'm skipping cause I really need to nail my verses." Devon says.

"Well have fun with that I have to get to that meeting too." She says and starts to walk away.

"We should do something tonight to celebrate you being done filming," Devon says to Tiana while she is at the door.

"Okay then it's a date," she says walks back towards him and gives him a kiss on the lips. She walks to the board room and takes a sit. There were people already there but there are others that are just walking in. This is perfect the board members and the entire Lyon family with the exception of Jamal are here. 

"Okay first thing we are making great progress with the movie. Tiana is almost done with her role. If we continue the way we are the movie should be able to come out this summer." Andre says looking at his notes. The meeting continues with Andre and Lucious talkin about the movie and business but Tiana tuned it all out until Andre asks a question.

"Ok does anyone have anything to add before we finish with this." With him saying that Tiana raises her hand so Andre motions for her to speak.

"Ok so I have decide to leave Empire," she says with a smile on her face but everyone was stunned but Maya and Treasure are smirking. 

"Um what." Andre says. 

"I just feel like it's time to for me to move on to a different label." She says.

"And that would be," Luscious asks. 

"Bossy Media," She says smiling.  

"Oh welcome girl." Cookie says. She started working with Bossy a couple of weeks ago. When Tiana learned of that from Becky while she was in Philly she felt better about going to Bossy because she really trusts Cookie. They could clearly see Andre getting  mad at them so they stopped talking. 

"You can't do that we already have a signed contract." Andre says while raising his voice. 

"Ok if everyone will excuse me I would like my family members to come to my- I mean Andre's office with me." Luscious says. They all get up and start to walk out but as Tiana was walking away Maya snorts and says family very condescending while rolling her eyes at Tiana but she didn't notice it. 

They get to Andres office. Cookie and Tiana sit on the couch while Hakeem sits on the armrest of a chair and Andre stands in front of his desk and Lucious is standing next to him. 

"Why make this decision now the ASA's is less than a month away this will affect Empires chances," Andre says rubbing his face. 

"Well I've been thinking about this for a while so I decided to do it." Tiana responds.

"I'm proud of you girl we all need to get away from this place and the people around here." Cookie says and Everyone in the room could see she pointed that jab at luscious.

They continued to talk about the situation and they came to an agreement Tiana can break her contract. Everyone else started to leave after the negotiation but as T is leaving Andre stops her. 

"Just so you know Empire made you into the global superstar you are Bossy is just going to ruin all the hard we put into your Career I knew I should of let you go when you went behind my back and released one more minute," Andre says in a dark tone. 

"First of all my career will be fine and second of all I released One More Minute when Kingsley was CEO a year ago." She says confused as to why Andre would say those things to her.

"Right I know sorry I don't know what that was I know you will be fine and I hope Bossy works out for you." He says changing his entire mood and attitude. 

"Ok thanks." Tiana says a little confused Andre has always been a little out of it but he has been acting even weird ever since his surgery. Tiana walks out of the office and calls her driver she is going over to Bossy to celebrate with the ladies since she is officially one of them.


One more chapter and then the DRAMA starts I can't wait cause this chapter is kind of boring to me. 

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