the next morning

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Kion woke up but he felt like himself again he felt like he didn't need to fear anything. He saw his Mom laying by the entrance of the Tree. Kions ears fell as he thought she was dead. "M-Mom?" He said nudging her gently. Nala opened her eyes to see her son. "Kion?" She said weakly. "Oh Mom." Kion said with relief and nuzzling her. "I thought you were dead." Kion said as tears ran down his cheeks. "Oh sweetie." Nala said giving him a nuzzle. Kion layed next to her. "Last thing i remember is being trapped in a fire. How'd i get here?" "Dad went to look for you. You're ok, right?" "A bit sore and weak, but im alright." "Good." Kion said nuzzling her. "Im gonna go take a walk." Kion got up and went to the waterhole. Fuli woke to see Kion wasnt there. She got up and looked for him. "There he is." Fuli said when she saw him by the waterhole. "You ok Kion?" She said sitting next to him. "Yeah, just thinking." "Thinking about what?" Fuli asked. Kion sighed. "About what we're going to do with Scar, Mabaya and Hasira." "Cant you just do what you did last time?" "No. Scar knows to disappear before the rain touches him. So no doubt the other 2 will do the same." "So there's no way of getting rid of them?" Fuli asked. Kion felt nervous after she said that. "I, I dont know. I feel like, Im putting you all in danger. How many times have we all nearly died since we came back here?" Kion said worried. "Forget about it Kion. Its not like you brought them back." "Yeah, but, who did? Me and Vitani are the only lions with the Roar and I doubt she would do that." "But she is a former Outlander." Fuli said. "Yeah but, Kiara's married to her brother." "One can be good and the other evil. I mean Scar and Mufasa. Mufasa was good-" "And Scar was evil, I know. But the main thing now is to get rid of them." Kion said. "Yeah. Oh, looks like its time for patrol. You coming?" Fuli asked. "No, not today. If you need me, I'll probably be walking around." "Ok. How's your Mom? Is she better." "Yeah I thought she was dead but shes ok." Fuli sighed with relief. "Thank goodness, shes alright. Ill see you later." "Yeah, bye." Kion said. After Fuli walked off he sighed. "What if Fuli is right? Could Vitani have brought them back? If she did someone would have to lead the Guard back home." Kion gasped. "And that would!

No, no. I cant leave here. This is my home. I, I belong with Rani. I'm, I'm King too!" "Kion? Are you alright?" Rani asked "No." "Whats wrong?" "Me and Fuli were talking about what we were going to do with Scar and the other 2. And I was saying that me and Vitani are the only lions with the "Roar." And I doubt she would have done it. But Fuli made a really good point. I mean if you look at my Grandfather then Scar you can see one was good, one was evil. And Kiara is married to her brother. And Kovu is good. But if Vitani is evil, then......she could lose the mark of the Guard. And someone would have to defend the Pride Lands, and that would" "Wait so, you're leaving?' Rani said her voice breaking and tears filling her eyes. Kion put his head on hers and hugged her tightly. "No, Im not leaving. Because I need you, and you need me. We belong together Rani." "Oh Kion." She said hugging him tightly. "But if you have to must." "Im not leaving. No matter what." He said still nuzzling her. "I love you, I love you so much." Rani said. "I love you too. I cant imagine life without you." Kion licked her cheek. The two of them went for a walk. Rani yawned. "Tired?" Kion said looking at her lovingly. "Yeah. But the good thing is we're near the Tree. I can get some rest there." And I can see if my Mom is any better." "That reminds me. How is she?" "Better. She's awake. She's a bit sore and weak, but other than that she's fine." "Im glad she's ok." "Me too." They said as they continued their way to the Tree. When they got to the Tree Rani went to her rock to sleep and Kion went to his father. "Hi Dad." Kion said as he walked over. "Hi Kion. You alright?" "Yeah." He said lying down next to him. "I was talking to Mom this morning." "You were?" Simba asked. "Yeah, she's ok Dad." "Thank the Kings she's alright." Simba said relief. "King Kion! King Kion!" "Ullu what is it?" Theres a hornbill at the Mountain Pass, he says he came from the Pride Lands. Simba and Kions mouths dropped. "Let him in." "Of course." She said and flew out. "What would Zazu be doing here?" Kion asked his father with a confused look. "He wouldnt come here unless it was serious. Something's wrong." Simba said. "Simba, King Kion." Zazu said. "Zazu, what is it?" Kion asked. "Vitani and her Lion Guard have gone missing. We've been looking for weeks and we cant find them."  Zazu said. "Wait me and Fuli were talking earlier. I was saying that me and Vitani are the only lions with the Roar. What if she and her Guard were captured?" Kion said. "But where could they possibly be?" "Did you get Jasiri to check the Outlands?" Kion asked Zazu. "Yes. But not near or in the volcano." "What if they're in the volcano? Oh no." "Kion what is it?" Simba asked. "Well when we were first here, Makucha built an army and followed us here. So then I used the Roar to get rid of them. What if they walked in a random direction and it took them towards the Outlands? And then he attacked her Guard, and then." Kion gulped. "She was forced to bring back Scar Mabaya and Hasira!" "What about the other guy, Uchafu?" "Oh he turned on Scar at the end. When you were trapped, he made the fire disappear and threw a rant at Scar." "Wait, wait, wait. What? Are you telling me more evil Lions came back?" Zazu. asked. "Yes and they're out to get me." Kion said. "Me and Dad have had lots of "too close to death" situations." Kion said to Zazu. "Mom nearly died too." Kion said.

Sorry for the cliffhanger everyone! I felt like leaving it on a cliffhanger this time. I hope you enjoyed sorry it took so long. I was halfway through writing it when i got my phone for christmas and it deleted it. So i had to try and remember it and make it up as i went along sooooooo ya. See you guys with part 9 soon (i hope)

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