Chapter 23: The Night Before

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Draco's POV
The first week flew by much faster than I had hoped, and before I knew it it was the night before classes began. Over the past week, Harry and I had kept the half-friendship going, making idle conversation to pass the time. Neither of us left the room too much. We didn't really see the point. Granger and the Weasel shot nasty looks at Harry when we went down for meals, and his mood always seemed to worsen because of it.
I had come out to talk to Pansy and Blaise a couple of times, and it had been nice, but they both were usually busy doing other things. Last time I had talked to them, I had found out that Blaise had begun dating a bloke from Gryffindor, Steville Rongbollom or something like that. Pansy had mentioned being interested in a girl, but she refused to say who it was.
I always felt a little out of place with them nowadays, so instead I hung out with Harry. He'd managed to convince me to watch some more muggle movies with him, as well as listen to some muggle music, and I was becoming rather fascinated with the culture. I'd taken a particular liking to some of the bands, such as Sum 41, Green Day, and Panic! At the Disco. Because of my father's hatred of muggles, I'd never been exposed to anything remotely associated with them, but I was quickly discovering that they seemed to be very clever.
All in all, the last week had been the best I've had in a while. It was all coming to an end now, though, because tomorrow classes will start. Classes mean leaving the dorm, which means other people, which means whispers and stares and hatred and far, far too many other things.
I feel panic setting in, and I quickly get up and go to the bathroom. Harry's already asleep, so he doesn't notice my abrupt exit, and I'm glad. After shutting and locking the door, I slide down the wall, coming to rest in a sitting position with my knees drawn to my chest. I can't breathe, can't think. It feels like the walls are closing in on me and the world is tilting. My head is pounding. Black spots are clouding my vision. I have to get rid of this feeling, and I only know one way to do that.
Hands shaking, I reach into my pocket and pull out the short, thin blade that I keep there. I took it out of a muggle pencil sharpener during the summer holiday, and I've had it ever since. I pull up my sleeve and carefully place the cool metal against the skin of my arm, just above the elbow. I press down, just a bit at first, the a little more, and quickly drag it across my skin, creating a straight cut. After a couple of seconds, a few small beads of blood appear, then a little more, until the cut is highlighted in red and a tiny bit has trickled out into my pale, bare arm. I repeat this process around 30 times, until about two more inches of my flesh are covered in thin parallel lines and the crimson liquid has begun dripping onto the floor. The panic attack had subsided a couple of minutes ago, but the side effects still linger, including a terrible headache and nausea.
I stand up shakily, leaning heavily on the counter, and get some toilet paper off the roll. I run it under the water from the sink and wipe at my arm with it, cleaning off the blood.
All of a sudden, an overwhelming wave of nausea washes over me and I drop the wad of toilet paper and fall to my knees, retching over the toilet. Unfortunately, I haven't eaten in days, so all that comes up is stomach acid, which burns my throat and makes my eyes water.
Once I'm finished, I collapse, all of my energy drained away. I curl up into a ball on the floor, the cold tile chilling my skin, and pass out.

A/N: I'm so so soooo sorry for the long wait!! Things have been crazy and I haven't had too much time to work on this story. It's not dead though, it's still going to continue, hopefully not as slowly. I know I say that a lot. Anyways, what do you guys think so far? I'd love to hear your opinions! Bye!

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