That Feeling (Angie)

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|Angie's POV|

I vividly remember it.

Countless things crashing against a wall, my father's drunken cries, and the loud, forceful banging in my room's door.

I can still feel the pain in my cheek as he was going about with his drunken spree. This thoughts of mine was interrupted by the sound of a closing door.

I woke up.

It was a dream, a really traumatic dream. And it was fortunately interrupted by a man named Ian. Currently, he's holding a tray which I assume that it might be my breakfast. I hate it though.

This place doesnt have good food, the previous person with the strange eye was nice, but they cooked bad food. It's bland and unappetizing. I can go on and on about complaining about the food but the person in front me coughed to get my attention before I was sunk into my own thoughts.

"Angie?", He said with a worried look on his face.

This person's name is Ian, When he came in yesterday to introduce himself, I was so shocked, he looked so intimidating. Though that feeling somehow vanished after seeing him carrying my breakfast.

While I was back again in my own thoughts, Ian already prepared for both of us to eat, The soup looks so unappetizing...

Perhaps noticing my dismay for the bland food here, Ian laughed.

"I guess you weren't as expressionless than I thought you would. Sorry about that kid, but this is the only thing they gave me to feed both you and me", he said as he hands me the spoon.

But after the moment I touched that spoon, it slowly turns into dust starting from my where I first touched it, I have a very special power, a dangerous power that can potentially destroy everything if left unsupervised. Ian's shocked at the sight of this spectacle, while I knew that Ian probably did that to know if I really have that power or not. My previous caretaker did it too... hm?

"I see, I guess that guy was right, whatever you touch turns to dust." he said as he still stares at the dust from what the spoon became.

I never liked this power of mine, I turn everything I touch to dust, no matter what object it is. I can't turn this off by my will, and from what I heard from previous tests from those weird white robed guys, They said that what a normal man can carry without effort, I can very easily and quickly turn to dust. So even simple tasks like eating is a hard thing to do now, so now I need Ian to feed me food.

"sigh So everything apart from your arms is okay to touch, I guess I'll feed you now- Hey, don't give me that look, I know you hate the food but you need nutrition for you to grow." he said,

The food is bland and unappetizing, I refuse to eat that toxic waste.

But, this doesn't feel so bad at all. I remember this feeling a long time ago, a time when it was just the three of us, a time when I was very happy. A time where both of them were happilly smiling.

This feeling I have I bottled up like I did with my previous one. While I was contemplating what this feeling was again. Ian wiped my mouth with a napkin.

"Aren't you like, 13? Yet you're acting like a baby", he said, as he prepares another spoonful of that disgusting thing.

I might have remembered something but this thing that Ian is trying to feed me occupies my mind until I completely forgot what it was anymore.

Author's Note:

I wonder if you guys would like me to make it longer, I hate making it longer, I'll procrastrinate otherwise. And, I really don't know where I should go with this storyline, I'm currenly just going with the flow and thinking up whatever comes in my mind, I dunno, it just seems like I'll mess up somewhere down the line.

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