backstory (Summarised sorry)

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Y/N Aizawa grew up in a loving family throughout most of her childhood but like with most families nowadays this didn't last long. Her father being a hero was always at work so she grew up not really noticing him and instead grew close to her mother who was previously a hero but retired after an incident that gave her Post Traumatic Stress Disorder making her unable to work in high-stress situations. As the years went by Y/N Aizawa's parents drifted further apart and eventually divorced soon after she turned 6.

Y/N decided to live with her mother since they were closer and they moved overseas to live in Australia not long after they moved little Y/N had gotten her quirk with this development her mother had her train with some of her old colleagues learning how to control her quirk undergoing some pretty intense training. Meanwhile, her father had understood why his daughter had gone away with her mother and had remained in Japan doing his best to stay in contact with his little kitten Y/N but ended up piled with work.

The years went by quickly and the once little girl Y/N Aizawa had grown into a strong, independent young woman despite only being 15. Y/N's mother had always told her of how much she was like her father and this only made Y/N more curious about what her father was really like since she never got to spend much time with him.

The only memories that she had of her father were of the times she would wake up early just to make him a coffee, see him off to work then go back to sleep, and of the times that they would both veg out on the couch watching the horror channel on TV all the while they both would have the same creepy grin whenever the killer was about to finish off their prey. (probably both getting ideas for future reference.) 

Her father being the concerned and overprotective father we all know and love used whatever time he could spare to train her to which she really enjoyed especially when she got the jump on him and won at Hunt and Capture (Hide and Seek hero training version), and oh how amusing it was to watch his little kitten try to use his scarf while wearing his goggles. Ahh, such proud parenting moments.

So it was decided, Y/N wanted to move back to Japan and be with her father but she wanted to surprise him. Y/N knew that he became a teacher to a hero school over in Japan and so she decided to enroll at said school, not at all realizing how prestigious the school was and how hard it is just to get in... well she was about to find out.

                                                                          Um Hello everyone

I do apologize for the really quick backstory I just wasn't feeling it and wanted to start writing more of the story while I've got the ideas in my head. I may or may not come back and give you guys a better backstory. If you want a better version then let me know in the comments, but I figured this would do for now at least.

I hope you guys like the cover for this story I did use someone else's Aizawa drawing and if I knew who they were I would definitely have asked for permission and credit them but the other part is an OC that was created and drawn by me and I just got lazy halfway through and wanted to write the story so I may update the cover later on but like with this backstory I figured it was ok enough.

this is also the first story that I am actually publishing so if you have CONSTRUCTIVE criticism then that will help me a lot in the long run but also know that this is just for fun in my free time so there is no need to take this book too seriously. ok, rant done I hope you have a lovely day or night ahead of you.

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