I like you...

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He saw Hana walk towards him slowly. She was wearing a stunning short red dress with a black coat and red heels. Her hair was softly flowing away from her face due to the gentle breeze. And her face shone in the moonlight while her red dark lips made his thoughts go somewhere truly forbidden. If only he could claim those…

He stood still as she came and stood in front of him. She gave him a small smile, one he found himself returning slightly.

‘Hi JK!’ she said and he stiffened up. She never really used that word except when…

‘Hana!’ he couldn’t bring himself to say more.

‘What are you doing out here? Quit being the international playboy?’ she asked with a tone of amusement looking at the view as his eyes followed her face.

‘I needed to get away for a while. To get some fresh air.’ He said what he told everyone. But saying it to her, it felt half-lie. Because that was only partially why he came here. The other half-truth was that he couldn’t bear to see her and Taehyung, together, laughing and just being there. He knew he was being lame. He had agreed with her when she said they should go their own ways. He knew he couldn’t really afford to date her either. Still, he wanted to have her in some sense. It sounded selfish and fucked up but well, that’s how he had been for the last few months.

‘Hmm… it’s a nice view!’ she exclaimed with a cool tone in her voice as she leaned on the railing, mimicking his earlier pose. 

‘Why are you here?’ he asked her, trying to get his heartbeat in control.

‘Because it’s where you are.’ she said after a few moments of silence.

‘What?’ he felt himself saying without much thought.

‘I am here because it’s where you are.’ she said turning to him and smiling.

‘What does that even mean?’ he asked.

‘What do you think it does?’ she asked as a reply to his question and he frowned. He swore he was going to lose his mind soon because nothing much made sense to him nowadays.

‘JK, I’ll be straight up with you, okay? I like you. I find you extremely attractive, and downright handsome. I like how you smile. I like how you talk and how dedicated a person you are. More than that, I love how I feel when I am with you. So basically, I like you. And I wanted you to know that. So I came here searching for you.’ she said in a single breath.

‘...’ he felt speechless. He didn’t really know what to say to her confession. Did he like her? Yes, he did. A lot. But he didn’t know much more than that.

‘Look, I know it has been majorly physical between us. And it’s awkward to get around that. But I really want to get to know you more and see where this goes. I know I said that I always try to keep my personal and professional life separate. Though I don’t think that’s ever really gonna work between us. So why shouldn’t we at least explore what we have between us? If it works out then that’s great, if it doesn’t, well we’ll cross that bridge when it comes. What do you think about this?’ she asked but he didn’t utter a word back.

‘You are not saying a word and that means I might have been a total idiot coming up here and might as well as fucked up whatever chance of normalcy we had. Wow... I’ll be killing that Kim Taehyung for lying now.’ she muttered to herself as she turned to leave when suddenly she felt a hand gripping her wrist.

‘Hana wait!’ he stopped her from leaving and turned her around. She looked at him with equal parts of expectation and fear in her eyes. Looking in her shiny orbs, he felt his heart skip. He stared at her face, trying to formulate what he wanted to say. He was experiencing so many emotions and didn’t want to put in such words that might end up hurting her or fucking up the whole situation even more.

And instead of saying something, he pulled her closer and planted a kiss on her lips. After the initial shock, she felt herself responding to his kiss. Breaking it off, she smiled at him and so did he, albeit a little sheepishly.

‘I like you too. I think I like you a lot. Like a lot. Have from the first time we talked. Though I never thought I stood a real chance because of well. Also, when you went away, I kinda felt hopeless. Though when I saw you with Tae hyung, I think I lost it. So yeah.’ he said running a hand through his hair as he flashed her another sheepish smile.

‘AH pabo-yah! Tae was right. You are a literal pabo.’ she laughed at his embarrassed face.

‘Let’s go out?’ he said it like a statement but meaning as a question.

‘Ok. Let us!’ she exclaimed as she pulled him in for another kiss. It escalated into pretty intense soon. She wrapped her arms around his neck as he held her waist. Breaking the kiss, both of them were panting but didn’t break the eye contact.

‘Should we head outside?’ he murmured against her lips and she nodded. He entwined his hands with hers and led her out the door, and then the building. They reached the parking and he insisted on driving. She gave in, though reluctantly.

Lonely Together ||JJK||Where stories live. Discover now