I mean it too

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The next sunday night hailey was getting in one of her work outfits "you look insanly gorgous" raven grabed her waist "stop it raven, im not finished yet" putting an overgown "and dont you look dashing in your red bowtie" "i hired a limo just for tonight" "you shouldnt have" "lets get going i got full night planned" "ok, i like this side of you, i mean i usually take the control" they had their usual nanny and headed to the car "ready for a night of enchantment" "would you hush already and stop trying to surprise me" "no suprising you would be blindfolding you" helping her out of the car "oh fancy" "only the best for wife of 110 years" "its been longer but whis counting" she laughed holding his arm "madam rose and mister rose ill show you to your seat "so trashy" "ill have you know ma'am that this is closest thing to a dress i own" "ignore them leann, you look gorgous" "oh i qeuss your right, your being a perfect gentlemen" hailey giggled leaning on his shoulders "some days i wonder why you love me" "thats easy your goofy, attrative, and a british asshole, why did you marry me raven" "your smart, a badass, gorgous even when your not wearing makeup and your wonderful with the kids" "shut it" "your also a wonderful career woman" "aww, so what does lover boy have planed after dinner" "im not telling thats a surprise" "ok". Raven had her blindfolded and guided her in "can i just take this off already" "one second, and go" she ripped of the scarf "an acual dancing hall, oh you sly devil" "may i have this dance" holding out his hand "lead the way" taking his hand hailey almost wanted to fall asleep "whats next raven" "there showing the notebook for their 70th annivery" "oh, just lovely" hailey looked at him in the eyes "please tell me the nights over and we just go home" she yawned leaning on his shoulder, "well i was planing on a little night swimming like our first date" "raven we have kids be realistic" "i have a suprise" "what suprise is it this time" "i cut my work hours, for now on i only work days so that i can have more time with the kids while your at work" "thats wonderful now get me home im tired" "as you say madam rose" "thats my work name" she fell asleep in his lap on the way home "shh you dont have to wake, ill carry you in" "hmm" she turned her head being put in the bed and put a large shirt on her "good night" he payed and released the nanny and went to bed. Hailey looked up and saw ravens chin "you need to shave" "well good morning its been awhile since you woke up like this" "am i hurting you" she leaned up staring at him "whats that look for" "you had me out till midnight" she started playing with his hair "what are you doing now" "playing" "come here" he pulled her in a kissed her "oh stop it" "your eyes are very captivating" "and your hair is absolulty perfect" "oh stop being so shallow" "im not but i just love your natraul color and it looks beautiful grown out" dove came through the door disappointed "momma i made a mistake" "dove im sure you didnt make a mistake" she started crying "i peed the bed" "dove calm down its normal for little kids to do that" hugging her drying her tears "we have an extra pair of sheet and we can wash your blaket" "ok daddy" she held her bunny tight "my bunnys wet too" "sweetheart let me get dressed and ill get you changed and cleaned" "im gonna start getting dressed for work" "ok, be home on time" "yes ma'am" hailey striped the bed and flipped the mattress "momma why'd you do that" "its an old moms trick, can i wash your bunny" "uh huh" putting it in the plastic bag "momma promises bunnys gonna come back safe" "her names floopy becuase her ears" "well i promise that floopy will come back safe" "yeah" raven found her in the laundry room "have fun today" "you too" she kissed his cheek and he left while hailey was washing the bundle "momma can we go play in the pool" "a little bit later, it is the last day of summer" "yeah" hailey started going upstairs when andy moved out of the way "andy all summer youve been reading, do you ever play games, paint, or run around like a normal 4 year old" "i paint and read, this is fun for me" "well okay" she picked up her basket and put the clothes up "momma im hungry" "babydoll do you want lunch early or fruit snacks" "fruit snacks" "well if your getting a snack the others do to" "yes ma'am" "well let me finish putting up the clothes and ill get you snacks" he went into the playroom "how many collared shirts does one man need" hanging up the last of the shirts and pants and going to the snack pantry "ok andy first pick, dove second and raven lee. Thats the order go" "fruit snacks" "bananna" "yogurt" "ok with the yogurt we have vanilla, strawberry, and blueberry" "hmm strawberry" she handed the yogurt to him with a spoon, later on they were in the pool "now raven lee, whats the rule with the deep end" "dont go in it" "good boy now get your floaties on and dont go past that line" for once hailey was able to keep cool watching them in the pool "please do not drown each other" looking directly at dove and andy looking guilty. Raven came home while they were swimming "im home" "and ive got 15 minutes to get ready, come on angels let get inside" helping them out of the pool "how was your day leann" "absolulty perfect we spent hours in that pool" "mommas fun" "oh i know" "is doves covers back on her bed" "there in the dryer, do not forget to make her bed" "i wont just go get dressed", hailey was at the club doing the paperwork "madam rose, theres a man with flowers and a card out here" "let him in" a delivery man came into her office "im looking for a leann rose" "that would be me sir" she got up and grabbed them from him "have a lovely night mrs.rose" he left and hailey checked the note 'to my precios leann your as unique as a each rose in this bouqet' "chessy but effective jackass" she laughed pouring her a glass of water "madam rose you have a meeting with a new singer" "oh yes at 6 i beleive" "close but 6:30" "ah you see thats why you scheudule my meetings daneil" she put a list on haileys desk "a list of last weeks complaints" "thank you daneil" "hey its what i get payed for" "speaking of that, your paycheck" taking an envelope out of her desk "thank you" daneil walked out of the room, hailey finished off her desk work and moved the flowers. She took her rounds with the envolpes and got to her office for the meeting "hello you look gorgous" "madam rose, thank you" shaking her hand "please have a seat and we shall discuss... so we can book you for two fridays" "yes ma'am" "i never caught your name" "i go by diamond" "we'll see you friday" "yes ma'am" she walked down to the floor "people are gonna waste their lives here" "agreed madam rose" "you wanna drink while im down there" "oh no ma'am, not on duty" "youve passed the test" taking a deep breath and getting to the bar "bartender vodka and coke" "coming right up" they handed her the drink "one of the few times i sit at this bar to drink, i need a little bit of my blood" she muttered to herself, hailey was back in office watching the party from her chair "madam rose, your always looking down there why dont you join the party" "daneil theres a reason i dont party, i used to get into alot of fights because of parties" "im sorry madam rose" "oh dont worry, i dont get bothered by questions like that" haileys phone rang "that would be the kids" getting up from her chair "i still find it odd a woman with triplites runs a night club" "mommy" "hello babies" "mean old daddys making us go to bed" "well your daddys just getting you kids back on sleep scheudule" "but momma" "ill tell you what, ill read you to bed when your daddy gets you in bed and behave" "darn it" hailey went back to the window "leann, you promised them a story" "ah yes i did raven, put me on speaker" hailey told her story and hung up and pulled her sewing machine and manikin "madam rose, theres a gentlemen on line one for you" "okay thank you, youve reached madam rose, how may i help you" grabbing the phone continuing her sewing "leann am i correct" "yes get to the point" "its Daniel rose" "daniel lee rose" "i know it was you mom" "dani boy mommas busy" "well can we talk" "sure" "i wanna know about my biological parents" "oh yes ill tell you about your mom, her name was kim and she was my high school bully untill i finally got over it and when i was 20 me and kodi wanted a baby so we asked kim and cyrus to help us" "wait cyrus" "thats a story for another time" "well i got to be going i only had a few minutes" "love you dani" he hung up and she was left alone until daneil came in "apple juice daneil" "what all do have in that mini fridge" "apple juice, little bit of vodka, sodas, water, and my juice" "hey i went to your house last week and your curtains were close why is that" "security and it was too damn bright" "oh ill have a soda" hailey gave her a one and watched from her desk "oh theres a fight going on down there, security fist fight in the middle of the floor" "right on it madam rose" "can i call you leann" "why not" "leann how  did you see that" "i chose a place that has the office right above the bar for this reason" "so you can see  the dance floor" "presicly daneil" "whats this in the supply closet" pulling out the doll "oh you didnt notice that before, i make all my clothes" "its really nice" "well thank you" "do mind me asking something personal" "yeah go for it" "have you ever had surgery" "well if your asking, i have had a boob job" "huh they look so real" "well i am natural flat" "ive had some scars removed and butt injections" "interesting" "i have been holding off saying this because your my boss" "what are you talking about" "the main reason i applied to be your assistant was becuase i wanted to ask you out, but then i found out you had kids and a husband" "ok that's enough personal time with me" hailey looked at her screen while daneil left "uncomfterble, jeez if i wasnt married id take her up on that. She kindof reminds me of kodi". Hailey got back in the house at 11:30 to find raven asleep on the couch "hailey whened you get here" "i just got home calm down" "i wanted to wait up for you" "honey you dont have to do that and ive been going by leann for 4 years you should keep the haileys to when were alone" "we are" "go to bed ill be up there in a second" hailey went up and the kids door opened "dove what are you doing up" "i wanted a good night kiss" "ok ill be right in there" she went into the room and tucked  her in "momma loves you and if school wasnt starting tommorrow i would spend all day with you" she kissed doves forhead and went to her bed.

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