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Hailey started squinting while reading an email "why cant i see" she covered her right eye and read it clearly "hailey are you ok" "im fine!" "hailey your clearly not ok" "fine you got me, i need to scheudle an eye appointment" "please do so" "shut up", she tried pouring her tea and missed the cup "hailey do you need help" "no i can do this on my own!" "sorry hailey" hailey went out with a freind "raven thinks i need help" "why" "because he thinks im going blind" "watch your hand your about to spill your coffee" "you too" "sorry its kind of noticable" "kevin would you stop i have an appointment for next monday" "please just get an eye patch so your not spilling anything" "i need a day, its been a while since we last hung out" "hey ill take the day with you, i got a week off" kevin insisted on getting her an eye patch "i dont need it" "you burned your arm with the coffee put it on" "grrr id love to hurt you" snapping on the patch. Raven sat with hailey in the office "do you want me to go in with you" "im grown no, and kevin insisted i wear this son of a bitch" "is there a hailey rose" hailey went into the office and the doctor flashed his light "so your right eye had no dialtion but your left is very, how old did you say you were" "702" "ah makes since your blind in your right eye" "fuck" "im sorry but you'll need this eye patch" "damn it, i hate that thing" hailey walked out "how'd it go hails" "i just payed 300 dollars to be told im blind in my right eye" "ok lets get home" hailey was staring out the window till they were back home "come on hailey, i know something that will make you happy" "what" "something thats not normally done during the day" "not now" "ok then tea". Hailey was at a modeling gig "yes could you take that thing off" "sure but have fun watching me bump into things" "hailey how the hell are you" "im good, lets do this" "hows that movie going" "where in the middle of editing right now" "turn you head to the right and look to the camera" she felt someone touch her arm and throw punches "hey hey hailey didnt you see her come in" "yep i saw her, sorry i hit you i was just so focused on getting the picture" "oh i understand" hailey walked the street "carmel capatino please" she dug though her bag and she keep "hailey" "thank you" leaving with it to get home "hailey is that you" "whos asking" "johnny so it looks like your good" "no im blind in my right eye and just not wearing my patch" "where is it" "its in my bag, too damn annoying" "just be careful" "shut up im not a baby" "hey hailey why dont we do a double date" "when and where" "tommorrow night and perhaps that new place on this block" "oh that would be nice i havent been out to dinner in quite a while" "its a plan around what time" "9" he watched hailey write it in her planner "we'll see you then" she walked closer to her house "hailey how's life treating you" "quite shitty carol" "its kelly" "sorry you sound like an old freind" "i hope your day goes better soon" "you too kelly" she stopped talking to her neighbor and went inside "hey honey how was your day" "the press havent found out about my eye" "well i sold the club, so i quess ill be staying home" "raven i told you i would have payed for the place" "whats the point if i couldnt run it, and without you i wouldnt have a clue what to do" "thats sweet but what good am i, hey your gonna what to read my planner" she put it on the foyer table opened to the week "dinner tommorrow night?" "yeah johnny stopped me and asked about a double date, if you dont want to i can call to cancel" she said going through the mail with her reading glasses "id love to go on a double date but you" "im fine im not a baby and i still one good eye stop worrying, i just need alittle time to learn how to work with one" "im sorry, im trying to figure out how to help you" "raven its a learning experience for both of us but i am learning brail just in case i go completly blind" "what why" "the left should be following soon" "i quess" "raven im taking procations" "ill love even if you have to walk with a cane" "i hope i dont have to" "i ordered Chinese takeout, gives me a chance to show you my chopstick skills" "ok you talk a big game but can you walk the walk" she smiled and kissed him "ill show a walk the walk" he picked her up and went to the room "i want to remember this face" "and i wanna hold you forever". Raven waited for hailey "hailey what is taking so long" "im learning" "please we're gonna be late"  "im on it" she made it to the car "hailey are you on your way" "of course dip shit" hanging up the phone "oh shit not here" "why not" "no reason" he opened her door and walked her in "hey you made it" "why wouldn't we" "welcome to club western" hailey snapped into attack mode "damn it" "whats happening" "shes a trained hitman back when she was 20 the stanton mafia gave her a trigger word, im trying to remember the other word, flame!"  "what happened what did i do" "come here sit down" "her trigger word?" raven wrote it down on the  nearst napkin and slid it to them "dont say that word around her" "oh shit" johnny mouthed the word western "we're just lucky i know those words, i learned the hard way" "can we just eat" "hailey i think their getting us another waiter" "hello welcome to club.." "dont finish that sentence" "well ill be your new waiter after what happened to my friend" "again very sorry about that" they ordered and the rest of the night went smoothly "raven im just saying what the hell did i do" "you remember how you were given trigger words by cyrus" "yeah, oh fuck i didnt think they would say the resturant name" "its not your fault" "hey i have a followup appointment next week" "huney your eye" "what about it" "its full white" she looked in the mirror and screamed "what the hell's happened why" "hailey its ok, relax and get up so i can see if your backs ok" he ran to her after hearing something hit the tub "im fine raven" "i dont care im checking, is anything hurting" he picked her up and pressed her  back "no but my shoulder is" "stay still ill massage it" he carried her to the bed and kissed her good night "hang on, then you can lay on me" "nice" she snuggled on him "as much as your eye is freaking me out your more than that" "i have a job tommorrow what am i going to do" "they have contacts at those things right" "they should, if anything they'll make me have brown eyes" "hey it would be something different" "yeah", she hoped up and throw on her patch " hails what are you doing" "i dont want to scare people raven". She unpacked at the studio "honey before we get your makeup done we need that eye patch gone" "uh acually do you have any contact somethings happened to my vision" "cant be too bad lets see" hailey flashed her eye "not bad, for three weeks ive been blind in that eye and last night it turned white dont tell me its not bad" "ok ill have you try the red ones first" "i love them" "hey can we make her have green eyes" "damn" "well you heard him" she got her makeup and wardrobe finished and was put on set "beautiful , just perfect" "thanks" "what is wrong with you hailey" "what do you mean im fine" "if you say so", raven was sitting on the couch as hailey got a drink "how was your day, house husband" "hey i made cookies" "oh fun, and you never answered my question" "it was grand and yours my love" "lets just say it was a day and im finished with damn eye patch" she throw it across the room "sweetheart please dont throw things, you need a calming herbal tea" "not everything can be fixed with tea raven, i love you i really do but sometimes you get on my everloving nerves" "please dont yell hailey" "this right here is what if heard for years raven, why cant you yell or be loud sometimes" "im sorry" "raven everything you do is quiet, get loud for fucks sake" "im sorry" she stormed up to the room "damn ive put with his quiet nature for 676 years i cant do it anymore" "hailey ann rose model, actress, and director has been found out as blind in her ri..." "jeez the entertainment business is so fucking slow they report that someones half blind" months went by and both hailey and raven were divorced "how do you choose to leave raven, with dignity or selfish" "with dignity" "ill give you 20 grand to get set up" "what about the house i bought it" "and ive been paying all the bills and behind your back i put my name on the deed" "ok you have your mind made up,  ill take what you give me and go" hailey fought back tears and went back to the house. Raven got settled and started dating again "raven whats the problem you keep looking at the door" "nothing john im fine" , hailey looked around the house as she came in with the last grocery bags "raven would have been on the couch watching what ever was on, damn it hailey you did this. Im the reason i cant here the voice of angel greet me when i get home anymore,  damn it" she chunked the Japanese tea pot on the wall "hailey why such noise" "im sorry kelly. I miss the days when i could when i happy no matter what, we've been divorced for two year" "she was loud and crase and somehow she loved the quiet tea loving British man" he watched the door and saw hailey coming through with her smile and ran to her "im sorry, raven i've only been out for three hours" "sorry john" hailey walked through the front door and saw the tv on "just like raven used to, kelly im gonna go take a bath" "ok love you" kelly went into the bed that night "hey kelly im gonna go out" raven was walking on the from his apartment "i dont understand after two years i shouldnt be seeing her everywhere, hey wait thats acually her and shes sad" hailey went inside the club "i could swear i felt ravens energy outside" "hailey i know your sad i am too" he continued his walk "hey pretty thing" "not a chance" "well i was just wanting to know if wanted to have a vip party with me" "no" "i like hardass" "get away" "you know the vip room is having a fun bdsm party" she turned her chair and looked the man in the eyes "i said no, im just here to drink the pain away and id rather you FUCK OFF" "well ok, rude" she turned back the countor and asked for another drink "ma'am this is the last drink i can permitt you" "fine just let me have it" she finished her drink and went home to down her blood bottle.

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