childhood issues

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    A few years passed of angst and her mom trying to get her killed again its almost Haileys 16th birthday, and while at the mall with some of her city friends, a man came up to her, "you'd be wonderful for my agency" "really what does your agency do?" "modeling, acting, etc." "I'll think about it,  im only 15 but ill be turning 16 soon do you have a card" "oh yes," franticly searching his pockets "it's around here somewhere ah right here" handing her a card that almost looks legit "thank you, sir" "I have some cards for your friends if you ladies are interested" "oh no sir, thank you through" one of her friends declined for the rest of them as the man bowed and walked away. "Man, he was weird," "I gotta be back home in two hours," "so hot topic," "oh fuck yeah" on the way to hot topic asking curious questions "how old were you when you moved into your dad's separate apartment" "13, my mom keep on trying to kill me, even after I moved out she kept trying" "wow,  that woman's pycho" "yep". She gets back into the apartment "well, this is what it's like to live alone, the only thing I have to pay for is groceries, dad pays the rest. I gotta get a job." "Were you always here alone?" "the first two years my dad lived with me so no. usually every Sunday my dad stays with me" "oh cool, your dad really cares about you, unlike mine. He kicked me out a week ago I've been staying with Stacy" "dude, let me talk to my dad ...and Stacy" "I get your dad but why Stacy?" "To make sure you'd be a good roommate" "oh"  "you can take the couch tonight, tomorrow ill invite Stacy over" "ok" together they had a fun little sleepover. Later on, her friend Kodi was looking around and a picked up a pill bottle " hey hailey, what are these for?" "the voices" knocking on her head "how many are there" putting it back on the counter "3, including my self conscious lets, see there's Tyler, Kaylee, and Johnathan" "well are they evil?" "Tyler and Kaylee are, Johnathan soothes me, so he's really kind, my dad calls me every day to make sure I take them" "when did you get diagnosed?" "when I was 14, my dad forced me to go get checked" Kodi just turned to the tv to continue watching the movie "well im glad you're on meds because I love you" "what?" "nothing!" "hey you can stay till Sunday goodnight" kissing her cheek as they both blushed. They both walked to school together "take your meds?" "yes" just at that moment, Hailey's phone rang "yes, dad?" "im sending you some grocery money, and I wanted to check if you took your medicine" "yes sir and do you mind if Kodi stays till Sunday, I have to ask you something Sunday?" "yes she can stay and ill answer Sunday" "dad" they both laughed on the phone "ok dad has to get back to work love you" "you too" hailey hung up the phone, "HEY AXEFACE!" hailey kept walking "just ignore them hailey" before she knew what was happening her face was slammed on the ground giving her a broken nose "Did you hear me bitch?" "I heard you just fine, what do you what from me" elbowing the bullies stomach "you're asking for it hachet!" "GET OFF Me, whore" the bully pushed her against the wall and punched her causing hailey to blackout. Hailey woke up in the nurse's office "hello dear awake?" "where am I, ma'am" "im just cleaning up your nose and popped it back into place for you" "thank you, miss" "the principal would like to talk to you, don't worry I don't think you're in trouble" "Thank you" when she got to the principal s office Kim the girl who assaulted her was there "ah hailey sit please" hailey sat in the farthest seat from Kim "now ladies, I understand you two started to fight in the hall, but why near the end of the day and who started it?"  "Kim yelled from across the hall hey ax face and knocked me to the ground when I ignored her" "that's not true she hit me first" fake crying. Hailey looked at her "that's a new low even for you, Kim; why would I call myself ax face" "ladies! however, hailey does have a point why would she call herself that, and ax face why?" hailey lifted her bangs "im a miracle" she said mockingly fixing her bangs. "How are you alive?" "I was in a coma for 3 days after I got it" "oh im sorry about that" "don't be I was 10" hailey caught a glimpse of Kim staring at her "; what!?" "i..ii...didn't know" "no one cares to learn why the scars are there they just pick on people for them" both the principal and Kim were staring at her "what did I do now" "nothing, Kim two weeks detention, and two-day detention hailey" "for what?" "you hit her too" "this is bullshit," hailey said walking home with Kodi. "So you have 2-day detention because you fought back" "after Kim broke my nose, I elbowed her stomach, and that was the only time I hit her" "relax, hailey, what a back rub when we get inside" "that sounds good".

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