The end of hailey

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   Hailey stood crying in her all black "hes gone" "Kare wa papa to yobu no ni saikō no otokodatta" "i agree with you there tatum", the family sat in a laywers office "the family of raven, i presume" "yes sir" "ok right to it. To my wife all of  my belongs, and to all my children i split whatever money i have in equal portions". Hailey checked his bank account and split it up for the children "what about his things" "one thing for sure the tea sets stay with me and ill go through all of ravens things and see whatelse im keeping and then distribute the rest" she went through his clothes crying "mom are you okay" "im good, im strong" "mom i know your strong sometimes you let the tears out",  after months of going through his things and laying in bed "Okāsan ni kite, yarubeki shigoto ga aru" "Anata no migi no teitamu, watashi wa chōdo itami o torinozoku tame ni natta" he pulled her up "are you sure you dont want us to stay, you know with all the reminders of dad" "im fine hayden" "i cant its almost been a year since that". Hailey would stare at the sets for hours if she wasnt at work "hello is anybody home" "just a shell of a person" she sat in the dark drinking from her bottle "hailey i know its been 3 years, but you have to get back out there" "why should i, just so someone else can die on my watch" "who else do you have" "my children, the ones that make me want to keep going" "come on, your one of my favorite clients i cant stand to see you like this" "dont pull that shit with me, im a 4,000 year old woman who lost her husband" "come on i got you a job on that new movie" "fine but leave" she cleaned the place up  and had the tv on for noise, she sat in silence most days. Satan came over for his yearly visit "hails, you have to get over this and why is the tv on when your not watching it" "dont touch that fucking remote, this was ravens favorite show" "celebrity entertainment" "yep those nosy assholes" "at least turn on the lights" "why who needs lights, raven was the light after a bad day" "look thats sweet and all but your a freind so get your ass up, we're going out" "ive tried that, im no good at flirting" "ill be your wingman, lets go get you changed" he dragged her up to  the room and picked out an outfit "do i have to go" "your going, now get dressed" she opened the door and was blinded from the light "i wanna go back in" "when was the last time you were outside" "i dont remember". On the movie set hailey made friends with the leading lady "hailey if you feel like it, stop by my hotel room" she gave hailey her number and hotel information "thank you" hailey looked at the papers "maybe i should give it a shot" she dug up the courage and left the house and called her on the way "hey i didnt think you'd call" "is it a good time to come over" "yes that would be perfect" "good cause im at your door" the swung open fast "i hope you dont mind that im human" "i dont mind, i was once human" she pulled hailey in and shut the door "sorry about that, just want to keep safe" "oh its fine i understand", kasey came back inside from a swim "why is celebrity entertainment always on" "feels more like home when its on" "ok, i have to get dressed for my commerial" "have fun kasey" she went to the foyer and straitened her old family portrait "hailey it looks like someones at the door" "alright I'll get it, hello" she didnt look up "its your old pal satan" "oh hey come on in" she shut the door behind him "still watching entertainment news" "more like still listening to it" "wheres all your paintings" "all over the house" "i didnt tell you last time, but i love the new california house" "yep, third floor is my lab and the gym, second floors bedrooms and a few bathrooms and the first floor you can qeuss" "its nice, and you seem happier than last time" "i am" "hailey dear, who was it" "an old freind" kasey came down the stairs pulling up her hair "i see your hairs rapunzel like again" "oh yeah i like it better this way" "hey im gonna head out hails" she kissed haileys cheek "so you did move on" "uh huh, weve been together for 2 years" "what the hell is this list" "things i cant have for health reasons" "oh thats good" hailey and satan had their day "i kind of just think she likes me for my money" after 5 more years with kasey "you ever thought about marrige hailey" "alot" she was reading her book "hailey are you listening" "yeah why wouldn't i be" "you zoned out for a second there" "im sorry" she put the book down and let her get in "i like to lay next to you" hailey played with her hair helping her sleep "shh stay calm sweetheart" hailey left the room and sat on the balcony writing out her will "hailey what are you doing so late" "i usually stay in the bed till your asleep". The next year they got married and to kaseys surprise she had to sign a prenup "today was great" "yep" she lived with kasey for 70 years, hailey held kaseys hand as she laided in the hospital bed "hailey for the past 70 years you were my only love" "thats sweet, but please save your voice" "can you tell where we go after we die" "im not for sure but i know, ill be going to hell" "why" "when i was 10, i basicly sold my soul to come back to life" "ouch" "hey dont worry about me, focus on you" hailey was told to leave so she went home "so is kasey ok" "shes fine but slowly fading" she told daniel while taking off her prostec leg "how are you doing" "im fine just need a break from that damn leg" "what about your arm" "oh hush, i fought in that damn war between mars and earth" she poured herself a cup of tea and took off her arm "ok im gonna say it, when did you get those" "hey tatum learned English" "i got these specialy made 3 years after the war" "mom don't you have to be somewhere in an hour" "oh shit" she gently put back on the arm. Kasey spent 2 more years in the hospital until she finally passed "mom arent you upset" "i am, just eh" "well its the second spouse" "third one i lost, the first one i divorced and then she died of old age" "oh so what made you want to go from celebrity to scientist" "hollywoods had enough of me, and i always had my own lab in every single one of my homes"  "well if theres anything flamable on you take it off" she went to the lockers and got her crutch going back to the lab "what a minute those were fake" "yep and the arm i lost had some of the best tattoos, but anyway lets get back to this" she held herself up and helped them "hey mom, i wanted to take you to lunch" "i get off in an hour dani" "ok ill see you for dinner then" "wish i could hug but im busy and i only have one arm" "and one eye" "dont make me whop you" "ok im off, love you". Hailey  was finishing up dinner while raven lee finished setting the table "wheres andy he should've been here by now" "he's probaly very busy dove, just sit down" she sat down after putting the food on the table "what could he busy with, he makes art" "dove, its not easy to be an artist i should know" she poured a glass of tea and finished her plate "hey mom hows your yearly visits with the devil" "satan honey, and thats when we just talk and catch up. Even though the asshole has a camera in my eye" "damn she knews" he cowarded in the chair watch from haileys point of view "im glad you have someone to talk to", hailey was watching an old stupid show laughing "mom i got your blood supply for the next week" "daniel you didnt have to do that" "ma i thought you were good, your seating in the dark smoking" "wrong just because the lights are off it doesnt mean im alone in the dark, and im watching a stupid show while smoking some good shit" "you cant do that ma" "please weeds been legal since 2019 in the state of california, im doing nothing wrong and i started smoking it after your father passed" "had no clue" "i dont mind sharing, just dont take my stash" "i quess it couldn't hurt" "well take it easy" she pat his back as he started coughing "its not to bad, i just need to learn how to do it" "ok give it back, damn still light out" she peeked out from the curtains taking a puff "are you high daily" "no i smoke one or two joints a day, a little buzz wont kill anyone" "i keep forgeting you dont take your potion anymore". Satan was visiting a little off schedule "so im planning on telling the children" "well yeah before i do anything" she planned the dinner "are you sure you want to do this" "im perfecty prepared", the children noticed hailey was being distant "mom whats wrong, you love sushi" "its nothing, just enjoy it" she went into her office and started going through her files and pictures one last time "we thought you disappeared" "kids sit down, i have to tell you something" "sure anything" she sat on the cozy chair holding her will "ive decided its my time to go, im ready to see your father again" "no you cant go yet" "relax, ive appointed hayden as my benifactor. Daniel you'll be getting the tea sets and the painting, hayden you will be keeper of my files and pictures, everyone will be getting splitting the money equally and tatum your getting the house and andy you'll be supervising while you all find what you want" "this doesnt have to happen" "i love all of you and im  sorry for this" "whens this happening" "tommorrow" they hugged her and stayed a bit longer. Hailey was awaked by a flash of fire "who the fuck is in my house" she pulled her sword on the stranger "get dressed bitch, your having a good last day" "oh its just you, dont do that to me" she cut his arm and went for breakfast "what was the cut for" "scaring me dickhead" she left the house wearing hooded cloak in all black the only limbs showing were the prostecs, she followed satan to the coffee shop "miss hailey, i work in the lab with you" "oh hi lacy" "shouldnt you be at work" "i took the day off" he and hailey had their day and got home "ok are you ready, i have everything ready" "not yet, one last joint" she closed her eyes and let him kill her "you can open your eyes" hailey opened her eyes and saw streets "hells changed since last time i was here" "yep now hells a civalized place, welcome my favorite demon" she looked in the nearst mirror "are the limbs real" "yes they are, and your skins still the same tone" "you keep my eye, but now theres an x in it" "let me show you to your home, an exact replaca of the mansion you bought with raven" "everytime" "everything down to the brushstroke" he walked with her to the mansion and the door swung open "i could reconize that pink hair anywhere" raven spun her around in the middle of the street "mon amour tais-toi et embrasse-moi" she kissed him with tears running down her face "ive been waiting for so long" "well ill leave you two alone, and hailey your assigned job is actress" "ill take it as long as im with raven again" he carried her over the treadhold of the mansion and slammed the door behind them.

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