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💦 FORM: 💧

💦  FORM: 💧

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Book title:
Do you have experience?
Have you dealt with these feelings before?
Are you a good spokesperson?
Are you comfortable with people who want support PM'ing you?
Tags (at least 4):

• You will be accepted as a member first.
• Keep in mind that we are selective over these roles and we may not accept you as an advisor.
• You must be 16+ (sixteen or older) to apply for this position.

• You must be 16+ (sixteen or older) to apply for this position

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Are you good with people?
Do you have social skills?
Will you be efficient if given responsibilities?
Are you familiar with Discord?
Tags (at least 4):

• You will be accepted as a member first.
• Keep in mind that we are selective over these roles and we may not accept you as an admin.
• You must be 16+ (sixteen years or older) to apply for this position.

☀️ JUDGES:Username:Book title (to be displayed in reading list):Wanting to enter a segment (if so, name which)?Wanting to be included in the book club?Password:Tags (at least 2):

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Book title (to be displayed in reading list):
Wanting to enter a segment (if so, name which)?
Wanting to be included in the book club?
Tags (at least 2):

• You may only apply for this if you have or are judging for the Ace Awards.

• You may only apply for this if you have or are judging for the Ace Awards

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Book title (skip this if you are not applying for the book club):
Segment (multimember - all/helpmember/bookmember/socialmember):
Will you be active?
Will you contribute/partake in activities?
Have you been in a (book) club before?
Can you read mature books?
Tags (at least 4):

• We are not selective over this role. You must, however, be 14+ (fourteen or older).
• If you are here for helpmember & socialmember roles, we will ask you for your Discord username in a PM.

☀️ VENTURES:Venture username:Founder username:Will you be loyal associates?Will you be willing to collaborate for joint ventures?Password:Tags (at least 8):

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Venture username:
Founder username:
Will you be loyal associates?
Will you be willing to collaborate for joint ventures?
Tags (at least 8):

• We are not selective over this role, however we may decline a venture with no explanation.
• We affiliate with communities, clubs, projects, and any other kinds of business associates.
• We will be selective over how to proceed with joint ventures and contributions.

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