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Taehyung poured some tea into the two cups as Jisung walked next to Taehyung with a water bottle for Korain. "So you're moving?" Jisung asked with a broken tone. Taehyung put the kettle down after hearing the little voice break. Looking over to Jisung who was holding back the tears while forcing a smile. "I'll always come visit you Jisung. I'll always come back for you. No matter what, you're my little brother. Blood or not, you're my baby brother. Okay, brat?"

Jisung nudged Taehyung at that. Taehyung smiled, side hugging Jisung who sighed. Jisung wasn't sure how to feel at this point. Taehyung was the big brother he never had and now he was losing that big brother. Not really losing but it felt like it to Jisung. Though he was happy that Taehyung found Korain. So for now, he would spend every giving moment with Taehyung.

Placing the cups in front of his parents, Taehyung sat on the floor around the coffee table as his parents spoke. Going back and forth with Korain who would answer every question in detail. "You have the right not to tell us and I know I may cross a line but.. why did you give up Taehyung? Not that I disagree that you did. I love him with all my heart and wouldn't change a thing. Though, I am curious." Kwan spoke up, her hand stroking Taehyung's hair.

Korain looked at his water bottle, taking a sip of it before he cleared his throat. "Taehyung's mother passed after giving birth to Taehyung. I was.. unfit to be a father let alone be a single parent. I fell in love with him the moment I laid eyes on him but I knew I wasn't what he needed. I love him so much that I gave him up because I knew someday, people like you would take him and raise him to be the boy he is now. I'm just so very grateful Taehyung looked for me."

Beomseok said his condolences to Korain who waved it off. "In the end it was the best decision for everyone. I know my wife wouldn't have been mad about my decision." Korain looked at Taehyung. Boy did Taehyung ever feel like a kid on the floor hearing all three of his parents talk and stare at him whenever they would talk about him. "Wait so, where exactly do you live?"

Okay, they didn't rehearse that. Taehyung panicked almost before Korain leaned back on the couch. "Gyeryong. I moved there in 2005 or so." Korain tilted his head. Okay, Korain thinks fast huh. "And that is where you wish to live with your biological father, Taehyung?" She asked, being a little overprotected but it was expected. Taehyung nodded. "It's not bad there at all. Best thing there is that Korain's there."

All three laughed at Taehyung's words. "And you plan to leave when?" Beomseok asked, leaning forward to give Taehyung an intimidating stare. Taehyung remembered these stares very well. He remembered being sent home from school from being a smart ass in class and he wouldn't tell his father what he did until this stare was being given. "Well.. as soon as possible. Tonight maybe? I know this is all fast moving and all but it's something I want to do. I'm twenty four and know nothing about my other side of the family. That is my wish at least."

Taehyung looked at all three of the special family members he loved so much. His parents agreed to it after a while of silence and was on with Taehyung knowing his other part of the family. He was grown and all they had to do was accept Taehyung's decisions. While Jisung was more opposed to the idea of Taehyung leaving. "But you just got back. You can't just leave for months with no contact, come back and say you're leaving again."

Taehyung looked at Jisung who was at the other side of the coffee table. "Jisung-" Taehyung started off by trying to grab Jisung's hand but he only pulled away. "No. No just leave already. Go be with your new family and forget about us just like you did when you left here." Jisung got up from the floor and walked out of the apartment. Taehyung felt his heart drop into his chest once those words were said. "Excuse me."

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