Chapter 9 - Once Again?

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April 1962

The Christina

That morning, after breakfast; Jack and Jackie wanted to go for a swim. As the boat sat docked just off the coast of the island of Sparti Lefkadas, the First Couple emerged from their cabin with Jackie wearing a pea green, one piece bathing suit and Jack in swimming trunks. As they dived into the surprisingly warm water of Ionian Sea.

Lee sat slumped in a deck chair. Dressed in her summer dress, she sat puffing a Pall Mall. She didn't understand the point of this cruise really. Suddenly she felt a shadow leaning over her.

"Hello". Lee turned around and looked up. It was Ari. "Oh hello" Lee frowned. She took one puff from her cigarette and then faced away from her former lover.

Ari sat on the deck chair next to her. Lee felt a bit uncomfortable. "Lee,
I suppose you are wondering why I invited you on this cruise?" Ari asked.

Lee looked at him seriously before nodding. "Well." Ari hesitated. "Lee, I've wanted to restart our relationship since it ended last month" Ari explained.

Le scoffed, as she stubbed her cigarette into the ashtray. "You?" Lee asked. "You're the one who ended it". Ari was shocked. "But you were the one who clearly said: "I think we're through". Remember?" Ari reminded Lee.

Lee sighed impatiently. She went to get up. "Look Ari, after everything I think I'm going to move on" Lee said. Ari grabbed her wrist.

He stood up and swirled her around. He swirled her so that she ended up locking lips with him. Lee looked at Ari. "I love you Lee" Ari smiled down on her.

Even though Lee was secretly still mad at him, she replied with a smile: "I love you too".

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