A Certain Reason to Hate

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-(Y/N) POV-

My alarm had not gone off, but I was waking up anyway. Looking at the clock in the room, I found that it was six o'clock. It would seem that being woken up early by Last Order had shifted my internal alarm by an hour. Not a good thing. I opened my eyes slowly, to see Misaki and Shizuri by my side. I had grown so used to them being who I see when I wake up, I felt that if they weren't there, I would feel alone again. I knew that depending on someone's presence like that was probably not a good thing, but I stopped caring.

Misaki was lying on top of me again, her hair a mess and her clothes all over the place. I was surprised that I have never been woken up with a leg in my side, for all the moving around she does. Shizuri had once again placed her arm as my pillow, but this time she was wrapping her other arm around me. I could feel her breath on my cheek, and I was glad that she was not awake. If she was, she would tease me about my reddened face showing embarrassment.

I had no way to move without disturbing them, so I just lay there. About twenty minutes later, I could hear footsteps moving close to the bedroom. The door burst open to reveal Kakine and Kuroka, who both took in view with a smirk. Shizuri had woken to the sound of the door, but Misaki just rolled over and continued sleeping.

Kakine: Sorry to interrupt, but there is someone who wants to talk to you. He said his name was Vali, and he wouldn't take no for an answer.

Kuroka: He's the holder of Albion, the vanishing dragon, nyaa~. The White Dragon Emperor.

The guy who was supposedly supposed to retrieve Kokabiel, before I killed him. I didn't know what he wanted, but I wanted to hear what he had to say. I was still in my clothes from yesterday, so I went downstairs to meet with him. Shizuri had woken up fully, and went to tell the people who were awake that we had a guest.

Reaching the living room, with Kakine and Kuroka behind me, I saw a boy with dark silver hair and light blue eyes stood against a wall. He had a dark green v-neck top on, with a high collared black leather jacket over it. Burgundy jeans with a silver chain dropping down over them, and black shoes with black buckles. He also had his sacred gear's wings on show. White dragon wings growing from his back, with blue energy forming what could be called eight feathers, four on each wing. This was Vali.

Vali: You must be the one they called "Accelerator". (Y/N) (L/N). You don't look like much, but I guess no one ever does. My rival is that "Issei" boy, so who can tell just by looks.

(Y/N): Ah, yes. I heard that you have some sort of "destiny" involving the perv, but that has nothing to do with me. Why are you here?

???: Straight to the point. This one has a strictly business, no nonsense side.

The blue energy of Vali's wings glowed brighter when the new voice spoke, so I assumed that it came from the wings. I saw Issei speaking to a glowing green light on his hand, so the two dragon emperor's must hold spirits of the original heavenly dragons in their sacred gears. The one who spoke must be Albion, the Vanishing dragon.

Vali: Yes, he does. Good to know. Anyway, I'm here to invite you to join the Khaos Brigade. We have already told the two people behind you that they are free to join, but they said something about finding someone.

(Y/N): What is this "Khaos Brigade"? There is no point me joining unless I know who they are and what they do. What is their goal?

It was unlikely that I would join, no matter what they said next. However, if I keep in contact with Vali, then we could stand as allies. Or at the very least, not people who immediately become enemies if they meet on the battlefield

A Certain Supernatural Accelerator //Highschool DxD x Accelerator male reader//Where stories live. Discover now