Celebrity Crush

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You hated that feeling.

That stupid, sinking feeling in your gut, when you realized that you'd probably never even meet your celebrity crush. How could you find someone that would live up to him? You didn't want anyone to ever take his place. That's why you spent your days as a 19 year old totally alone, with zero romantic experiences.

You weren't a stalker. You were a respectful fan, you didn't have a creepy account where you commented on every one of his Instagram posts. You just caught yourself daydreaming about him multiple times a day, the way you would get married, grow old together... It was an obsession, and it made you feel kind of shitty.

One day, you decided to completely void your life of Finn Wolfhard. This obsession, this crush, this love, whatever the hell it was, was not healthy for you anymore. So you unfollowed the fan accounts, you deleted the social media, you detached entirely.

But the daydreams didn't stop. Whenever you caught yourself thinking about how he would kiss you good morning or hug you when you'd had a hard day, you would try to retrain your thoughts and get back on track. Then you replaced those dreams with thoughts of things you enjoyed. Your passions, your goals, your favorite foods and animals. But somehow, those little imaginary romantic episodes would slip into your mind every now and then.

It was a cold and snowy day in Toronto, and you decided to work on some school at a coffee shop down the street. Sitting down with your cappuccino, you opened your laptop and notebook, starting on your assignments.

The door of the coffee shop jingled, making you glance up from your work, and in walked Finn. Finn fucking Wolfhard.

You nearly choked on your cappuccino. You couldn't avert your eyes from him - he removed his beanie and large coat, stepping up to the counter to place his order.

And that's when you realized your mouth was gaping wide open, your ears nearly ringing with shock. You sat up straighter, took a deep breath, and forced your eyes to look back at the computer. But your heart continued to pound and your stomach churned.

He brought his cup over to the table right next to you.

This couldn't really be happening.

After clearing your throat unconsciously, he shot you a look, then a small smile. You'd expected to just melt and turn into a puddle if he had looked at you, but that's what was weird. You didn't melt. The stomach ache ceased to exist, your heart slowed to a normal rate, your breathing went back to normal, and you relaxed.

In all these daydreams, you had imagined him to glow like an angel if you saw him in real life. But he didn't. He was just a human, just a person. His movements were a little awkward, he was gangly and too tall for his own good. His nose was red from the cold. You exhaled... All this build up, all this excitement, for nothing.

It wasn't that he was not beautiful or attractive in real life. He was beyond handsome. But you'd created this amalgam in your head, a mixture of this perfect, godly man. In real life, he was just like you.

He pulled out his chair and took a seat, facing the wall, and you were facing outward, so you had a perfect view of each other in your peripheral vision. You looked downward, jotting down some notes for your English class. You heard him pull something out of his bag - a novel with a withered leather cover.
He took a sip of his coffee as you continued to write.

"Whatcha working on?"

You look over at him. Yep, he was definitely talking to you.

"Oh, it's just homework. For my creative writing class."

"That's cool. Are you a writer?" he asks, leaning forward a little bit.

"Trying to be... I don't know how good I am, though," you chuckle a bit. How could this be happening?

"I feel you. I'm an actor but have recently tried to write some screenplays. I don't know if they're worth anything."

Yes Finn, you thought to yourself. 'I know you're an actor.

You smile.

"I'm Finn," he holds out his hand for you to shake. You oblige.

"Y/N. What are you reading?" you ask him.

"I'm reading Lolita. I've never read it before." he holds up the book for a moment.

"I loved that book. I read it in high school. It gets pretty crazy," you nod.

The two of you continue to converse politely, until there's a bit of a lull.

"So, I can see you already have a coffee, so I'm not gonna offer to buy you a drink now. But what about another time?" he asks.

You smile. "I'd love that."

He flashes you the most adorable, excited smile you've ever seen. "Well I'd love to continue our conversation about literature, but I have to run. Can I get your number?"

You jot down your name and number on a page in your notebook, tear off the corner and pass it to him. He takes it and tucks it into his pocket for safe keeping.

"Alright, Y/N, I hope to see you soon."

"Bye, Finn."

That's when you take a deep breath and try to register what had just happened. All that worry, all that drama within yourself, for no reason. He was just a regular person.

So you left that coffee shop with your chest feeling a little lighter. That feeling you hated so much, was gone.

"Actually Good" Finn Wolfhard ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now