Chapter 32

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Gao JunFei was already used to Xie QiBao making a fuss over nothing and was thus immune: “What something big? Didn’t you go eat with a hot girl? Yo, if you ended up having an affair with her, haha……”

Xie QiBao cursed, “What affair! That woman’s a pervert!”

As soon as Gao JunFei heard “pervert”, he became excited: “Eh? What pervert? How was she perverted? Did you get molested?”

Xie QiBao almost spewed out a mouthful of blood and fainted from anger!

It was rare for Gao JunFei to make Xie QiBao tongue-tied, thus he happily continued, “Okay okay, what could possibly be so important? We’ll talk back at the dorm!”

Before he hung up, Xie QiBao asked, “Is Qi Bro in the room?”

Gao JunFei didn’t take his words to heart, turned around, and only saw Ling Ke: “Nope.”

Ling Ke got up to get a cup of water and asked, “Xie QiBao?”

Gao JunFei threw his cell phone on his desk: “Yep, so noisy. Who else could it be?”

Ling Ke went into the bathroom and soon heard the front door open— Xie QiBao was back.

“Gao Bro!” As soon as Xie QiBao came in, he immediately started firing off his mouth: “I just met a perverted woman! She asked me about some online ‘Rare Treasure, Hot Sale’ thread, asking if I was the poster and wanted me to steal Qi Bro’s things to sell her, like cups, towels, and even underwear! She also gave me a lot of money!”

Gao JunFei couldn’t contain his joy and screamed, “Holy fuck! For real?!”

Xie QiBao pulled out that stack of cash: “For real! Look look look! She gave me this much!!”

Gao JunFei: “AHHH~! We’re going to be rich!!!”

Infected by Gao JunFei’s mood, Xie QiBao asked, “How? We definitely can’t let Qi Bro know about—”

Before he could finish, the bathroom door opened, and Ling Ke walked out.

Gao JunFei: “……”

Xie QiBao: “……”

Right now, the two of them looked exactly like little miscreants who just got caught red-handed!

Ling Ke: “What are you looking at me like that for?”

At this point in time, Xie QiBao’s mind was filled with only four questions: Who am I? Where am I? Why is Ling Ke in the room? Now that Ling Ke knows, how could they hide this from Qi Feng?

Compare to the stupefied Xie QiBao, Gao JunFei was debating whether to use force or persuasion to convince Ling Ke to defect to their side.

Ling Ke then asked, “Wait, it can’t be that you really plan to steal Qi Feng’s things to sell?”

This sentence of his was like a bolt of holy light, obliterating Gao JunFei and Xie QiBao’s wicked thoughts right in the cradle……

After a while, Qi Feng returned. He wasn’t far away to begin with as he only went to the convenience store to buy some water, and as soon as he came back, he found that the atmosphere in the room wasn’t quite right.