Chapter 39

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Due to their professionalism, the 6 of them didn’t think about playing around and instead, immediately went to find young, budget travelers to interview.

Zhang WenQin even prepared interview badges with F university’s insignia for them to wear around their necks to facilitate the process.

But they soon discovered that these badges weren’t nearly as effective as having Qi Feng and Ling Ke use their dashing looks.

As long as the 2 of them stood there together, 99% of all passing female travelers would fall under their spell, and some even came over of their own accord to ask if they needed any help.

The girls all resisted tsukkomi-ing over this phenomenon as they silently offered kudos to these magical teammates of theirs.

By evening, they had already completed more interviews and they initially planned to. After collecting the data, they all felt greatly relieved and decided to go eat a good meal as celebration for finishing this task.

But due to their budget, this “good” meal was simply a hot bowl of noodles at a small restaurant.

Zhang WenQin: “The owner was right, most of the travelers coming to this old hamlet are college students like us. No wonder the guesthouse’s business is so good……”

Yao Jing shrugged: “That can’t be helped. Students aren’t economically dependent yet, so most budget travelers fall into this category.”

Dai YiWei sighed: “Actually, if it wasn’t to personally experience budget travelling, I would rather ask my parents for some extra money and then pay them back after I start working. This way, not only would I be able to stay in a better place, but eat better too.”

Hearing this, Qi Feng nodded to agree, indicating that shared her views.

Zhang WenQin smiled: “That’s because all of us grew up in a big city and our families’ incomes aren’t low, so we’ve never really had to go through any hardships. But what about college students that come from small villages? If they don’t have much money, would that mean that they don’t have the right to travel and see the world? We also have to take into account these types of people’s mindsets.”

Yao Jing saw that Ling Ke was eating while typing on his phone, so sitting next to him, leaned over and read out loud in a low voice, “‘Different from the materialistic pursuits of rich travelers, this group of youngsters who have yet to enter society only want to see the world, and using their limited budgets, expand their horizons and temper themselves.’ …Wow, what great wording!”

Zhang WenQin: “Excellent!

Ling Ke: “……”

As they ate, they discussed the contents of the interviews they conducted today and how to best write a factual yet interesting interview manuscript.

Cen Tong added in a small voice, “Actually, according to my observations, some young couples have different spending tendencies than those who are single when it comes to budget traveling……”

Everyone looked at her: “Elaborate?”

Cen Tong: “Oh, for example, of the 3 couples that we interviewed, I don’t know if you guys still remember the 2nd pair……”