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It's like a chain of events...a sequence, from birth to waking. And it makes you wonder if you did something wrong, something bad, like something happened...like it's some typa karma or something. And you find yourself of looking at all these people, people twisted into you. Wanting them to suffer and hurt, wanting real pain for em. Wanting to watch it unravel before your eyes. Putting things like trust and love into the wrong people, just for them to fuck you over and you do it out of the pain caused by others. Wanting someone to hold to. Someone to protect and shield. Wanting to do it yourself, but never could do no shit you imagine. Things build up, and you feel like it's some sorta karma. Like you did something wrong, what did you do wrong? You want it , you want it bad, 2x over-worse than your own. Revenge is such a cliche and ugly word, but that describes it, the feeling of it. I can understand the "bad" people, the "sick" and I know why they become fucking social-paths, because this world fucking sucks. And the best part is that either no one knows, cuz you won't tell em, trust em, or you think you can try and they only prove to you the opposite of that thrown around word- "love." Or no one gives a fuck.

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