Chapter 1: Ours

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--River's POV--

      "Do we have too?" I ask my best friend Emilia as I get into her car on the first day of our new college.

      A little backstory on my life:

      I am a member of the 2nd largest werewolf pack, named the Blood Rose pack. My father is the Alpha of this pack, which makes my mother the Luna. I have 5 older brothers, Jake, Clayton, Logan, Peter, and Woodrow, making me the youngest and the only girl. Clayton is the oldest and in just a few years he will become the Alpha of our pack, taking our fathers place. He's already found his mate. Actually, all my brothers have.

      Most of my brothers have graduated college, leaving just Peter and myself to finish. Peter is a Senior in college and I am a soon to be freshman...soo exciting. Not. I hate school. I hate learning. And I definitely hate being the outcast. Everyone in my family is super smart and have someone that they care about and love. I don't have any of that. I have Emilia, that's it.

      My mom keeps telling me that my time will come, that I will meet my mate eventually, but do I even want that? Finding my mate means leaving my pack. Leaving my family and starting one of my own. That's just scary, I'm not ready for that. I just turned were my brothers able to handle it so early? They all found their mates before they turned they did this I'll never know.

      Anyway, back to present time. Emilia and I are going to the college that most werewolves in the area go to. People stick to their packs and don't really socialize outside of that unless they have a mate in another pack. In that case, the female leaves her friends for her mate. Lame and stupid in my opinion but that's how it goes.

      "Yes we have too, your dad would kill you and me if we didn't go. You know that Riv." Emilia replies as she drives off to the school that is 5 minutes away from my house.

      "But this is so dumb Em, we both know it."

      "Hey, maybe you'll find your mate. Who knows? There will be wolves from every pack around, including the Star Bound Pack."

      Ahh the infamous Star Bound Pack. They are the largest pack, the strongest pack, and the most respected pack. This is mainly because their Alphas are twins. Double rulers equals double the benefits. They are actually teachers at Wolf-Born University, which is where we are heading right now.

      "Ha ha ha, very funny coming from you Em." I say jokingly rolling my eyes.

      Emilia met her mate when she was 5, but discovered that he was her mate once she turned 14. So she's been with him for basically her entire life. Good for her.

      "Seriously Riv, it would make your wolf happy."

      With the mention of her presence, Delia wakes up. Delia is my wolf, she's sassy and pretty much just like me in all aspects but one...she actually wants to find our mate. She wants to find that special someone that has a connection with us. 

      Why are you talking about me? she asks me.

      I'm not Delia, we were just talking about school. Go back to sleep or something.

      You know, you should be nicer to me. she teases, knowingly making me angry.

      And you should be less obsessed over guys

      I'm not obsessed over guys, just our mate she says dreamily, pretty much making me gag.

      I cut off our connection and Emelia laughs,

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