Chapter 3: What Is Happening

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--River's POV--

      "You know, I'm going to get in trouble if my dad finds out I skipped my last class..." I say breaking the silence between Ryker and myself.

      "You're father can deal with me. Now, do you want to hear the plan for after this class is over?"

      "Sure but you could be nicer to me. I mean, we are soulmates so..."

      This makes Ryker chuckle, and me basically melt at the sound. This dumb mate bond is well...dumb. It makes me feel weird things that I don't like, I've also never felt these things before. And the worst part is, I think Ryker notices it. I hope he feels them too.

      "If I were nicer to you I wouldn't get these great reactions out of you." He says with a wink, making Delia go crazy, "Oh, how's your wolf? Doing well?" Ryker teases, making me blush.

      Oh. My. God. RIVER did you hear that? He's thinking of me...HE'S THINKING OF ME! This is incredible. I talked to Nathan already and he is sooooo sweet. Do you think Ryker's wolf is as sweet as Nathan? I really hope so because I love Nathan, he's really kind and sweet and you thi-

      Delia if you don't shut up I swear.

      Sorry, I forgot that you're sensitive about this bad. But can you at least try River? They are our mates, the moon goddess chose them for us. Please try Riv...pleeeaaaasssseee...

      Fine. Just shut up.

      "I'm assuming she's alright based on the fact that you just disappeared." Ryker says offering another smirk.

      "She's fine. Thanks for being concerned. Now, what's the plan for when we leave?" I ask bluntly, just making Ryker's smirk even stronger.

      "Oh somebody has a bright attitude towards me, don't they?"

      "Can you just tell me what we're going to do? Please?"

      "Fine, fine. Alright, Hunter and I are going to take you back to your house and introduce ourselves to your father. While this is happening, you're going to walk your not-so-happy ass to your room and pack your important belongings. Then, you, Hunter, and myself are going to go back to our pack and you are going to be shown around. There. That's what the plan is darling."

      I simply sit there in shock. There is nothing I can say to stop this. It's what always happens, especially when a females mates are the alphas of the most powerful pack ever and she meets them on her first day of college. Okay maybe that's just me, but still. In the back of my head I knew this would happen, I just didn't want to admit it to myself.

      "Okay. Fine."

      "That's it...fine. I was expecting you to put up a little more of a fight darling."

      "Would it change anything?" I ask, again being quite blunt.

      "No, but it might be a little more fun. Think of it as our first argument...oh how fun, a day of firsts."

      "Not much longer is this class Ryker? I feel like I've been in here forever."

      "Stop complaining darling, class is over in 15 minutes. Maybe earlier, Hunter has a tendency to let class out early when he's excited."

      "Okay...why do you keep calling me that?"

      "To make you ask questions darling...why else?" He replies with a cocky wink and standing up from his chair.

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