Chapter 6: The Meeting

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--River's POV--

      Both men sit beside me on the couch, Ryker stroking my thigh and Hunter resting his lips on the top of my head. 

      It's all so comforting and all too much for me. I have to meet their wolves, I know I do, but it's scary. I'm meeting the most possessive part of the two already fairly possessive men next to me. How am I supposed to react? Jump for joy? Not happening.

      "We don't need to do this River...I don't want to overwhelm you in any way." Hunter says not moving his face from the top of my head.

      "No, we need to do it today. It's just going to be harder to control them later and then you might have an issue getting yourselves back. We should do it."

      I grab Ryker's hand, the one not rubbing my leg comfortingly, and he looks at me. He doesn't have his signature smirk on his face, instead allowing a kind smile to show through. Ryker lifts my hand to his lips and I feel intense sparks when he kisses it. I can always feel the sparks when they touch me, but for some reason this small gesture has been the most intense. I'm definitely falling for them. Shit. Exactly what I didn't want to happen.

      "C-could I request something before we do this?"

      "Of course darling, what is it?" Ryker asks continuing to be kind.

      "Can one of you stay with me while the other lets their wolf talk to me? Or if you can't that's fine I just thought it might be easier..."

      "I like that idea. Hunter maybe since Delia already spoke to your wolf he should come out first? It may make it easier."

      Hunter nods and I do as well. I may not have met his wolf but Delia did and she's a part of me...I feel some of the same emotions that she feels. Emphasis on some of...she can get freaky sometimes and it scares me. Both Hunter and Ryker sit up, Ryker pulls me closer as hunter stands up. Male wolves have a tendency to be a lot more aggressive than females and it's harder for guys to control them. The fact that each of them have only had one slip-up all day, which was when we met, is really impressive to be completely honest.

      I take a deep breath and then I see Hunters eyes go completely black. It's not Hunter anymore. Now it's his wolf...Nathan. Here we go I guess.

      "Mine." Rumbles out of his chest as he lurkes closer to me.

      I know he can't hurt me without hurting himself since we are mates, but it doesn't make him any less intimidating. I find myself leaning into Ryker a little more, to which he responds with caressing my arm comfortingly.

      "You're wolf is much more talkative than yourself River. Are you actually this shy or are you scared of me?" He says I definitely like Hunter a lot better than Nathan right now.

      "I-I-I'm not shy. I just have no clue what to say..." I tell him, beginning to stutter at the beginning of the sentence but am able to pull myself together.

      "You're my mate. I will forever protect you from harm. Hunter likes to say I'm too over protective. He thinks I take things too far. Let me tell you that I do what I do because he won't. You're mine and I love you more than anyone else in this world. I'll do absolutely anything for you."

      How can one wolf be so intimidating? He isn't mean, just serious. Most male wolves are more serious around their mate's human form. Nobody knows why, but it's how it is most of the time. Again, that doesn't help make anything about Nathan less intimidating. If anything it just allows me to understand why he is.

      Also...he loves me? What the hell? He isn't supposed to say that. Correction, Hunter isn't supposed to say that. Nathan will say whatever he wants and I have to go with it. I'm scared of what he would feel if I didn't because males are known to love what we call submission. It's not exactly like how it is in a kinky relationship, but there are aspects that can be similar. The overprotective males prefer when a female accepts them and follows them rather than being argumentative.

      This doesn't go for Hunter or Ryker, but both of their wolves will probably be this way based on how Nathan is acting. I think I kind of like it...not one, but two people want to protect and care for only me. That has literally never happened before in my entire life. I've always been loved, but I've always been surrounded. This is so special. So intimate. It's just me and my two mates.

      No River, you can't fall for them. You just met them and they are your professors for gods sake! How can I be so dumb...then again...they are my mates and I like them more than I can admit. Why do I have to fight with myself so much?

      "Will you mate with Liam and myself? I want to so badly baby, so so badly." Liam referring to Ryker's wolf.

      This catches me off guard. Like, extremely off guard. I. Just. Met. Them. Today. How am I supposed to react? Ask him to fuck me? Hell no! I'm not letting anyone, even if it's my mate, do that with me on the day we meet. That's not how good relationships form. Not at all.

      "Umm...well I don-"

      "Nathan, give Hunter control. You're scaring the girl. We talked about this, you can't bring that up yet. It's just not okay." Ryker interjects into the conversation, saving my ass.

      "Fine, but we are discussing this later River." 

      With that, the beautiful green eyes of my kind mate return. He immediately attacks me with a hug and I feel an intense relief go through my body, along with a very large set of sparks covering me from head to toe. I'm starting to like the sparks...they are starting to feel warm and almost like a large hug.

      "I'm sorry he was an ass to you sweetie. I'm so sorry. He blocked communication after the first few seconds and I couldn't tell him to stop. He's an idiot for hurting you."

      "It's really okay Hunter. I don't blame you, I should know more than anyone that our wolves don't define who we are. You don't need to apologize for him, and I'm not mad at him either for the record. He just asked some pretty difficult and weird questions..."

      "Yeah, that's what I'm sorry for. He shouldn't have done that, both Ryker and myself told him not too."

      I continue reassuring Hunter until he lets go of me and sits down normally on the couch next to me. Then it's Ryker's turn to allow Liam out and let him talk to me. The conversation went well enough, but Liam is almost 10x more possessive than Nathan was if that's even possible.

      We all talked and decided it would be best to wait until I'm more comfortable around their wolves before Delia really meets them. She can talk to them through mind-linking as much as she wants too, but we all think I would be better off if Delia waits to actually meet them.

      So, to end the Monday that made my life flip upside down, we decide to go upstairs to the loft which is where their master bedroom is. There is a door leading to the bathroom, two closet doors that lead into fairly large walk-in closets. One of them has some of my clothes that someone must have brought from my house. They take up literally one small corner of the room and there is still so much I supposed to buy that many clothes? I don't think I could if I tried, but I'm sure Hunter and Ryker are just going to keep buying me clothes...they already said they were probably going to do that but I don't want them to worry about all that.

      Ryker hands me a black and white flannel button down top for me to wear to bed, and I decide to just wear that with no pants since it almost reaches my knees. I trust them not to try anything and I'm more comfortable around them now. Meeting their wolves helped more than I thought it would.

      The bed is huge and has a black sheet under a black and red checkered flannel comforter. It is so soft and so warm that I want to just pass out once I climb under them. Ryker gets on my right side as Hunter gets on my left. My head is pulled, gently, by Ryker so it is on his chest and Hunter comes behind me to cuddle me. I feel so safe and comforted.

      "Get some sleep's all okay." are the last words I hear as I drift off into the deepest sleep I've ever had in my life.

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