Chapter 4: New Mate, New You

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--River's POV--

      We pull up to my family home and I am anything but calm.

      No, not anything...I'm freaking the fuck out. I know, maybe I'm overreacting. Maybe. But if I don't freak out then Delia will take over and that won't be good. Not at all. Ryker ends up opening my door for me before I get a chance to and Hunter takes my hand to help me out of the car.

      I hate that I let him, but do I really have another option? No, no I don't. So, I let him help me and I let him place my hand on his arm and I let Ryker do the same with my other hand. I let them, and I don't know if I regret the decision. That's what worries me.

      I take my hand from Ryker's arm and fish for my key that I put in my pocket earlier, which is quite lucky because they made me leave my bag in their car. Probably so I have no choice but to go back there. Smart guys, it's probably why they are professors...which is so wrong because I'm going to be dating them. My college professors. Great.

      I open the door and am met with mass chaos. Logan is chasing Peter around, except for the fact that Logan's eyes have gone completely black, showing that he is not in full control anymore. Dang it, I knew this would happen eventually but why right now...Peter and Logan have been going at it for weeks and of course they both snap right when I need them to be calm.

      "I am so sorry about them." I say shyly, just before Logan steps on Ryker's foot making me cringe more than he does.

      "Logan, what the hell are you doing?" I yell, breaking contact from both of my mates which makes Delia whine at me and I just ignore it completely.

      "I'm so sorry sir...who are they?" Logan asks whispering the final part so only I can hear him.

      Luckily Logan's wolf has given back full control to Logan so he can be a normal person least as normal as he can be. I glare at him as I feel Delia begin to talk to someone, that someone being Logan's wolf. I begin to listen in on the conversation until I remember that Hunter and Ryker can tell when I am talking to Delia and I don't want to give the wrong impression.

      Hunter looks at me with a knowing look when I hear Delia trying to tell me something. I look up completely at Hunter and he simply nods, letting me know I can talk to Delia without him saying anything.

      What did Logan say Delia? And I don't have time for your bullshit right now...he's ruining everything.

      He asked who they were, I told him they were your professors and when I was about to tell him they are our mates he started saying how he remembered the twins from when he was a freshman in college. I didn't even get to finish telling him the story of how we met and how amazing they are and abou-

      Thanks Delia, talk later alright?

      I cut of connection before she responds, but I'm honestly not that sorry. This is, for some unknown reason extremely important to me, but it's getting ruined by Peter and Logan. Once I look up I am met with Logan having a normal conversation with Ryker.

      "He doesn't know that we're mates does he...Delia didn't tell him?" Hunter whispers, making me jump not realizing how close he still was to me.

      "No, she didn't get a chance too after he started freaking out about stepping on his old professors foot."

      This just makes Hunter laugh and I realize how much I'm beginning to like him. Nope, not going to think about that again. Not ever letting my mind wander to that thought again,

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