doing it wrong

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It's been 5 months since I've seen Tae in person and 1 year since prom

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It's been 5 months since I've seen Tae in person and 1 year since prom. Shes going to dance school that's not that far from my college but she doesn't have much time for me anymore. She's either at school or with her dad and the time she is free I have class. But we love each other and we want to make it work, she promised to come see me today but she doesn't keep promises like she used to.

"Hey Ronelle" I looked up at my roommate, Rose

Rose and I met at college and she let me live with her in her 2 bedroom apartment. She was bad as he'll and super sweet, a lot of people assumed we were dating but I cleared that shit up quick as hell.

"Hey" she laid next to me

"You look upset, what's wrong?" I turned my body toward her

"I'm hungry" she laughed

"Lets go eat then" I shook my head

"My girlfriend is coming so I gotta stay here" her smile faded

"Is she actually going to come this time?"

"Of course she is" Rose sighed

"I'll go get you some Nathan's" I smiled

"Really? Thanks love" she kissed my cheek before standing up

"Anything for you"

I watched her grab her purse and walk out. Rose has tried to fuck with me so many times, yeah she's bad and funny but I only had eyes for Taelyn. I felt my phone buzz and looked at it

I'm outside

I quickly ran out of my room and out the front door. Luckily I was right next to the entrance. I was so excited.

I saw Tae and her face lit up as she ran at me. She jumped on me, wrapping her legs around my waist. I smiled as she kissed all over my face.

"Hey mamas" she looked in my eyes

"I missed you"

"I missed you too" she wrapped her arms around my neck and rested her forehead against mine

"I'm tryna have sex" I laughed a little

"Damn that's all you want from me after 5 months" she shook her head and I walked to my room

"No but I'm just letting you know that we fuckin at some point today" I put her down on my bed

"How long are you staying"

"However long you want" I smiled and sat down next to her

"Ronelle I got you a... chicken sandwich" I looked up and saw Rose at the door

"Thank you Rose" she handed me the bag "Tae this is Rose my roommate and Rose, Tae my girlfriend"

They both examined each other for a second, then looked in each others eyes. Its like they were competing.

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