calling on you

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I laid on Tae as we watched The Twilight Zone

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I laid on Tae as we watched The Twilight Zone. She wrapped her arm around my waist and rested her head on mine. She was so warm, I felt like I could melt into her touch. I inhaled, closing my eyes, she always had that same intoxicating smell. I smiled a bit, that smell always reminded me of when we first kissed. I played with her hair as she watched, I had basically forgot we were on a break and I didn't care. Her being here made me realize how much I missed everything about her.

"Why you like this show so much?" She looked at me

"My mom used to watch it all the time, used to scare the shit out of me back then" I raised an eyebrow

"Then why would you be obsessed with it now?" She shrugged and looked back at the TV

"I guess it just grew on me ever since" I looked at her

"That's sweet"

"Yeah, I miss her" I hummed

"She still with you Tae" she looked back at me and smiled


I heard the doorbell ring and immediately hopped up. I've been waiting a while year for this. I opened the door and immediately hugged Zy when I saw her.

"What it do baby" I chuckled

"I miss you" she smiled

"I miss you too"

"Hey Zy" I pulled away from her and she hugged Tae

"Hey Tae, did you grow a few inches?" Tae laughed sarcastically

"Hilarious" Zy smiled and pulled away from her


"Your first was Kaitlyn? The white girl?" I shrugged

"I mean yeah but we never dated or nothing"

"But a white girl though?" I groaned

"You know what since you on my case, who was your first Zy" she laughed a little

"Nique" Roo looked at her confused

"Nigga what? You told me it was Gracie"

"Damn you lied to your best friend, you green as fuck" Zy sucked her teeth

"It was actually kinda weird cause you look alike, I didn't wanna think about that"

"We do not" I looked at Roo

"You do a little, not on no twin shit but you look related"

"Ok even if we did look alike why was it weird? I'm ugly or something?" Zy shook her head

"You my best friend, I've never looked at you like that for real. Even us kissing was weird"

"I mean yeah but she still don't look like me"

So we just gon speed past that?

"Kissed?" Roo sighed

"Yeah in like 9th grade" I raised an eyebrow and looked at Zy

"It was uh... It was a weird year" Roo laid back on me

"I wanna hear the story"

They started to go on about the whole story. It was nice to see them together again and nice to see Zyra in person. They seemed so happy telling the story, I couldn't help but smile and laugh.

"Damn I don't want to leave--"

"You shouldn't" Roo looked back at me "could we both stay?"

I knew after this I would have to leave, I didn't wanna leave. I was expecting Roo to get mad but it was worth a try.

"Yeah, I think I wanna stay"

"Uhm... Let me ask Rose" Zy rolled her eyes

"Why you gotta ask her, you grown"

"This is her apartment, I just pay half the shit AND she coming back tomorrow morning"

Roo stood from my lap and went down the hall. Zy looked at me and I looked at her.

"You ever met her roommate?" I nodded


"Is she cute?" I raised an eyebrow

"I don't know, I never really looked at her like that"

"How do you not know?" 

"Girl why you need to know? Aren't you dating Paris?" She chuckled

"Not anymore, we ain't been for months"

"Still why do you wanna know" she shrugged

"Just curious" I rolled my eyes

"Okay she said it's cool" we both looked at Roo

"Alright, imma leave about 2 tomorrow"

"2? Isn't it like a 3 hour drive?" She shrugged

"I don't got anything to do anyway" Roo sighed

"This should be fun"


Zy had fell asleep like she always does. Tae was helping me with the college algebra homework. Well, I was purposely making her frustrated so she would just give me the answers because this shit was hard.

"Oh no, your doing this last one by yourself"  I groaned

"Please?" She shook her head and laid with her back facing me

"I'm going to sleep, just do the problem"

She pulled the blanket over here and I looked at the problem. I was not about to do this shit. I circled A and put that shit on the nightstand. I laid down and turned off the small light I had on.

"You did not finish that quick" I laid down, pulling her close

"I answered something though, right?" She chuckled

"Goodnight" I smiled

"Goodnight Tae"

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