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I’m back home. My parents always play it off as it nothing had happened. That’s what they did this time too. 
    “I’m home.” I mumble as I walked through the door. My mom doesn’t even acknowledge me. I’m used to it at this point. I go into my bedroom. I quickly texted Sawamura-San to let him know everythings okay and I play my keyboard quietly. I use it to help me manage my feelings. 
    “Mae! Get down here.” I slowly made my way down the stairs. 
    “Yes mother?” I asked hesitantly. 
    “Make me dinner. Now.” She demands, I rush into the kitchen and pull out the rice maker. We only have rice at the moment so a couple rice balls should be fine. Maybe we have some fish? I can make some shoushi. As I wait for the rice I take out my phone and see that Kuroo-San texted me. 

Kuroo: Hey Kitten. You ready for tomorrow?

Jun: Yeah. I honestly can’t wait. I need to get away from the family for a day. 

Kuroo: Hahaha I can relate. Well just wait. We’re going to have an amazing time as friends and your going to forget all about your family. Okay? 

Jun: Hell yeah. I’ll see you tomorrow. I have to cook for my family. 

Kuroo: Alright, see ya then Kitten ;) 

I then quickly prepare my moms dinner and go back into my room and study for a test that I have on Monday. I don’t end up eating, I better eat a lot more for breakfast. I then pass out while studying for my math test. When I woke up, I check my phone and see that I only have an hour to get ready to hang out with Kuroo. I quickly throw on a pair of  high waisted ripped jeans, and a crop top. I straighten my hair and run to the train station. When I arrive at Tokyo I hopped off the bus and immediately see Kuroo-San. 
    “Hey Kitten.” He says with a wink. I smile at him. 
    “Hey Kuroo-San.” I say with a sweet, but fake smile. 
    “Well, let's get this show on the road.” He grabs my hand and drags me to a tea cafe. “This is the best tea place around here. You won’t get anything better than this.” He tells me with a huge smile on his face. I order my regular, Japanese Sencha with honey. When they bring me my order, they place it down in front of me and walk away. First I look at the cup. It was really cute. It has a flower design on it with some pinks, purples, and blues. As I bring the cup to my face, Kuroo-San watches me. I can tell he hopes that I loved the tea and would want to come here more. I take a sip and nod my head in approval. Then the waitress brings his order. We sit there for a little bit and talk about things we like and things we don't like. We even talk about volleyball. When we finish our drinks he ends up dragging me to a bunch of other places. I wouldn't mind coming back to Tokyo. Overall I had a good day with Kuroo-San. He even kept the flirting to a minimum. When he walks me back to the bus he gives me a bear hug. A one friends would exchange, we then we say our farewells and part ways. 

Kuroo: Did you have fun today? 

Jun: Actually, I did. Thank you for not flirting with me Kuroo-San. 

Kuroo: I was just trying to make you feel better and forget about your parents which I assume you did so forgive me for bringing them up. 

Jun: Its okay Kuroo-San. I enjoyed having fun with you. We should do that again! Tokyo is so much different from Miyagi. 

Kuroo: Yeah, we should. Also, just Kuroo is fine. We're friends. 

Jun: Okay, I'll try. I'm not used to not using formalities in Japanese. 

Kuroo: Okay Kitten. ;)

Jun: Well I'm almost home. I should probably get off my phone. My parents are a little strict. I'll text you tomorrow. 

Kuroo: Okay. I'll be waiting. 

I then walked into my house and do the normal routine. I end up falling asleep listening to lil peep. I miss America, and my dad. I hope I end up visiting America. I hate being this far from… ah never mind. My mom and stepdad would never spend that kind of money on me. 
            I woke up to my phone vibrating violently. Sawamura-San was spam calling me. 
            "Yeah?" I said groggily as I answered the phone. 
            "Your going to be late for the club. Do you want me to drag you? A little exercise wouldn't hurt you know. I'm not saying your fat or anything!" 
            "Sure I wouldn't mind. It's been a while since I've gone for a run. I wouldn't mind getting back into that kind of stuff. We should totally workout together one time, of course if you don't mind." 
            "Yeah sure, I'm down. I'm on my way over to your place right now. Hurry up and get ready. I'll wait outside." He then hangs up so I can get ready in the short amount of time I have. I run outside and run past Sawamura-San. 
            "Hurry up slow-poke." I yelled over my shoulder. He smirked and quickly caught up to me. We then ran the rest of the way to Kurasuno. 


Hey, sorry for the short chapter, and sorry for the very slow character development. I'm trying to move it along maybe next chapter I'll get into some more of it. Well, I hope you guys enjoyed this short chapter. It's barely a thousand words! I'm so sorry... I'll make it longer next time for sure! I promise!!! Until next time I guess.


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