A Date

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 When we arrived at the school, we were already sweating. I ran to the girls locker to get changed into my other gym clothes and shoved my clothes for the day in my locker. I ran back out into the gym and helped them warm up a little. We had the prelims for nationals coming up. The last team to be standing would get to go to nationals.

"Alright guys, let's get started." I said after a good 15 minutes of warming up. I split them into two teams like usual, then I scribbled down good combos and thought what would be good to fix, or rearrange. Then started the usual day at school. Until me and Daichi were put on cleaning duty that day. For the most part it was a comfortable silence, then I heard him swear.

"Jun?" He asked. I nod my head so he knows I'm listening. "Would you like to go out with me after this? Maybe a cafe? Or a movie?" I look at his crimson red face and chuckle.

"Of course Sawamura-San! There's actually this movie that just came out that I wanted to see. It's called Weathering with you. I heard it was really sad."

"I wanted to see that too Jun-Chan! Let's hurry and finish so we can get into the next showing of the movie." We quickly finish and we run to the subway. It was pretty packed today. Me and Sawamura-San had to stay close to each other. I couldn't stop blushing. I enjoyed his warmth. Then of course someone had to push, and he ended up hugging me from behind. I melted in his arms. Thankfully he didn't notice. When we finally got off the train, we walked side by side to the movie theater. I couldn't look at him. When I tried, he looked down at me and I had to quickly look away so he wouldn't see me blush. I've never fallen for a guy, and I'm not going to start now. I feel a light tap on my shoulder. I guess I spaced out. How embarrassing!

"Earth to Jun-Chan?" Sawamura-San says bending over a bit so he could see me face.

"Oh! I'm sorry Sa-Kun. I spaced out." I said blushing a crimson red. He just smiled as we continued walking. As we arrived at the movie theater, I tried paying for the tickets. He immediately shot my offer down and handed money over to the cashier. She gave us a smile, as we started to walk away to grab a seat. As soon as we got in, Sawamura-San dragged me all the way to the top row. He almost made me drop my snacks, but he almost dropped his too so it's okay. We quickly sat down and we went to go put our arms on the arm rest. Turns out, we went for the same one. As soon as he felt my hand under his, and I felt his on mine, we both pulled away real quickly. My face felt so hot, I couldn't bring myself to look at him. Then, thankfully, the movie started. I kept glancing at Sawamura-San, and even a couple times I caught him glancing at me as well.

"Whatcha lookin at?" Sawamura-San whispered to me.

"I-I um... The movie!" I mentally slapped myself for stuttering. It was only because he caught me off guard. He lightly chuckled at my response. Now that I think about it, this is a date... My first date, with an amazing guy. I'm kinda lucky. As I turned my attention to the movie. It was at the sad part. When she disappeared, I couldn't help but cry. Sawamura-San noticed, and grabbed my hand reassuring me that 1.) this isn't real 2.) that he was there for me anyways. I kinda wanted to pull away, but my body wouldn't let me. I'm glad that it didn't. Although I continued to cry, cause who wouldn't, I kinda liked him holding my hand. The sad part is, I don't even know why. After the movie was over, I wiped my face as we walked out. Daichi laughed at me for crying, and I didn't mind.

"Sa-Kun, don't make fun of me for crying. I'm sensitive." I complained while sniffling.

"Oh I know Jun-Chan" He replied with a smirk on his face.

"Sa-Kun... What are you planning?" I ask, kinda scared.


"Sa-Kun!" I exclaimed, playfully punching him on his arm. Today was actually a pretty good day.

"Do you wanna sleep over since it's the weekend?"

"Sure, I would gladly get away from my parents." With that, we hopped on the train back to our town and walked back to his house. Today was a great day, all thanks to Sawamura-San. I'm glad I have him in my life. 


I'm so sorry for not updating, now that I'm in quarantine I have a lot of time on my hands so I'll be sure to continue updating. I hope you are all doing well during this time of corona and I hope you guys don't end up getting it. My 94 year old uncle recently got it, and the doctors couldn't do anything to help him. He actually died today, so I'm sorry for your loss if you  have lost someone recently due to corona. But until next time folks. 


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26, 2020 ⏰

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