
820 19 8

“Hey.” Daichi says walking up to my desk in the corner of the room. Usually I don’t talk to anyone. 
    “Yes Sawamura-San?” I question. 
    “Your always by yourself. I thought you could use a friend.” He simply states giving me a smile. He’s so innocent! I-I can’t, it’s too powerful! 
    “I-I’m good. I’ve always been a loner… Oops.” I mumbled the last part. I wasn’t supposed to say that. Now he’s not gonna wanna hang out with me. 
    “Don’t say that. Your an amazing person and people are really missing out if they don’t want to hang out with you.” He stated. My face heated up, I could tell it was a bright red. 
    “Hahaha, well go talk to your friends. I can tell you really wanna.” 
    “You are my friend though, your a lot cooler than those idiots at least. How bout this. Meet me in front of the gym for lunch, I have a place where I like to eat at. You do bring a bento right?” I slightly nodded. “Well I’ll see you there Jun!” Oh my lord. He just called me by my first name. I can’t resist innocent people like him. God damnit! Well, I guess I’m looking forward to lunch. I wonder if his mom still makes his bento’s for him. I slightly giggled. I looked over to Sawamura-San who in turn was looking at me. I quickly looked away feeling my face heat up once again. It’s always so awkward making eye contact with anyone. 
    “Alright class. Let’s get started.” Great a couple boring classes before lunch. I ended up sleeping in almost all my classes. I took all the notes I would need to then fell asleep. The last period before lunch, I shot my head up as soon as I heard the bell and bolted. I wanted to be the first one to be at the gym, and I was. 
   “How long were you waiting for me.” Sawamura-San asked rubbing the back of his neck. 
    “Not that long. I just got here actually.” I lied. I didn’t want him to feel too bad.
    “Good, follow me.” He ended up dragging me to a cherry blossom tree. Since it was spring, all the pedals were falling and it looked nice like always. I was always jealous of Japan for their cherry blossom trees. “So, you come from America. I’m guessing you’re fluent in English then.” 
   “Yeah, it is my first language.” I said in English. I could tell he kind of understood what I said. 
    “I trash with English.” He said while blushing. Turns out he isn’t so great with the language. 
    “I can always help you if you want. It looks like you have a little trouble with grammar. That is expected though so don’t feel bad.” What place am I in to be giving Sawamura-San a small lecture! I’m so stupid. 
    “Please help me with English Jun-Chan!” I slightly blushed. No one has ever called me Jun-Chan before. 
    “No need for the formalities Sawamura-San.” 
    “Same goes for you Jun-Chan” 

    “Alright Sa-Kun!” He blushed a crimson red obviously not used to the nickname I gave him.  

    “Anyways. We’re playing Nekoma today. It’s been a while since we’ve played them since coach Ukai had retired.” 

    “I heard. They’re really good. Right?” 

    “Yeah. We could never beat them. Maybe it will be different this time since we have all those amazing first years.” 

    “I hope you guys win, but for now we have to get back to class. Lunch will be over soon.” 

    “Yeah, let's get going.” We walked back to class together in a comfortable kind of silence. I guess it’s not as awkward as I thought it would be. Maybe we have gotten a bit closer? Probably not though. I always keep people at a distance so I can't let myself think that we'll get closer than this. 

    “What’re ya thinkin about?” Sawamura-San asked.

    “Oh, n-nothin. I uh, I’m gonna go get a drink before class. You want anything?” 

    “Yeah sure, get me a soda. Any flavor works for me.” 

    “Okay. See ya in class Sa-Kun.” I quickly walk away and arrive at the soda machine. I get what I want and insert another 200¥. Now what should I get Sawamura-San? Maybe he’ll like the orange flavor. Or blueberry… hmm I’ll get him… Orange! I click the button for orange soda and I walk back to my class. I see Sawamura-San looking out the window in front of the classroom. 

    “H-here.” I stutter once again. It’s only around him too. 

    “Thanks!” He says smiling. His hand slightly touches mine as he grabs the soda from me. We both open our soda’s and we just talk. When we walk into the classroom he sits next to me… hold up. What?! 

    “Are you sure you don’t wanna sit with your friends?” I ask politely.

    “You are my friend though, and I want to sit with my friend.” He states.

    “Fine.” I say looking out the window down at the cherry blossom tree we were sitting at not even 15 minutes ago. Sawamura-San forced himself into my life, but it’s nice to have someone like him in it. He’s innocent, a great leader, funny, a little handsome, and he’s such a role model for everyone else! 

    “Hey Jun-Chan. Shouldn’t you be taking notes?” He asked bringing my attention back to the lesson. 

    “T-Thanks Sa-Kun.” I say looking back to the front of the classroom. I see out of the corner of my eye him and his friend making eye contact. His friend clearly embarrassing him for sitting next to me. A girl. I see him slightly blush. "Hey." I whisper noticing his cheeks are still red. I decide to tease him. "Do you have a fever or something? Your face looks really red. Do you want me to bring you to the nurse?" His face turns a crimson red and he quickly replies. 

    "N-No! I'm fine!" He sounds so cute! Especially with that stutter! Oh my god! Hold up. Since when do I call people cute. What has he done to me! 

    "Okay, just making sure Sa-Kun." I say with a… smile? I never smile… 

    "Jun-Chan. Pay attention." 

    "R-Right." I say looking back to the teacher and furiously scribbling down notes. As soon as the bell rings Sawamura-San drags me to the gym. The rest of the team arrives shortly. As the team warms up me and coach Ukai set up the court. Then I see Nekoma walk into the gymnasium. First the team captain I assume and then this boy who looked like a… cat? He has very feline like traits to him.

    "Sa-Kun. Good luck. Pay attention to the cat like one and the bed head. They gives me bad vibes..."

    "Thanks Jun-Chan, and don't worry about me." Those were the only two who really stuck out to me though. As soon as Nekoma was done warming up, the game had started. It was they're serve and Sawamura-San received the ball and Kazeheya of course sent the ball to Hinata, the first time they performed they're fast ball it went right past them. The next time they tried the ball was blocked. This was going to be a tough game. 


Wassup. Sorry for the wait for this chapter. I wanted to make sure it was good so I took forever. Sorryyyyy >.<  I hope y'all are enjoying this cuz ik I am. >3●  Things aren't going to happen as they did in the anime so expect some twists and stuff like that! I'll update as soon as I can!


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