chapter 5 ~ sexting

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But then he suddenly did something I would've never expected him to do. Nathan started leaning down towards me.

What was he thinking? He wouldn't dare to kiss me right now, would he?

Never in a million years would I let him press his disgusting lips on mine as long as Alexa didn't particularly say so. Sure I'd already kissed a lot of guys for the cameras and so it wouldn't be a problem for me to act as if kissing him was normal. But I still hated his guts and so this situation was totally different.

But just when I was thinking about this, Nathan interrupted my thoughts.

By now he was so close to my face that I could feel his breath on my skin. And even though it was hard to admit, my heart beat increased and I had to deeply inhale and exhale to make it slow down again.

Nathan moved even closer until our noses almost touched and then he did that really surprised me.

"I will count up to three now and then we will both run to the car to get rid of him. Understood?" He whispered, bringing me back down to earth.

My brain processed what he had just said before I nodded quickly.

"Alright." He said. "1, 2 and 3."

As soon as he had finished saying three, my feet were moving by themselves and I was running over to the passenger side of the car.

Well, actually I wasn't running, it probably looked more like power walking because of my heels.

Nathan and I both closed the car doors at the same time and sighed in unison.

The paparazzo was now standing at my side of the car and was looking at us with a confused expression on his face.

His mouth was wide open and the whole situation was so surreal that I couldn't help but start laughing. But when Nathan started laughing along with me it became even weirder.

When I woke up this morning I didn't even think we would properly talk with each other today and now we were sitting in his car and were laughing at a paparazzo together.

Could it still get any weirder?

By now Nathan had pulled out of the parking space and we were leaving the lot to go to the park, Alexa had told us about yesterday.

"I can't believe we got rid of him." I mumbled while slightly shaking my head.

"You are welcome!" That stupid smirk was plastered on Nathan's face again and I couldn't help but roll my eyes.

I usually would've passed a sarcastic comment now but I knew he was right and so I decided to just stay quiet for once.


The park we went to was very popular among celebrities and so the surroundings of it were naturally full of paparazzi.

That was probably why Alexa had sent us to this park, since she knew that we would get more than enough attention here.

But the good thing was that there was a park security that made sure that all celebrities could enjoy their day and that the paparazzi wouldn't bother them.

Nathan and I put our sunglasses back on and left the car to step out into the Californian fall sun.

"I kind of regret wearing high heels now." I told Nathan as soon as we had entered the park.

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