chapter 8 ~ what an interview

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"Payton!" Alexa squeaked as soon as she entered the dressing room. "Today is the day of the days."

"It's just an interview, it's not like I've never had one before." I groaned.

She seemed to be in a brilliant mood while I was absolutely tired. It was annoying.

"But this is a very special interview. You're going to officially announce the relationship today."

I sat up straight in my chair. Couldn't she have told me that a bit earlier?

"So why isn't Nathan here yet?"

"Because you're going to announce it alone. I tried calling him this morning but he didn't answer his phone." She said as if that was obvious.

I rolled my eyes. Great, just leaving it to me to take care of that. That fit him.

"Couldn't you have sent James to get him? He doesn't have anything to do anyway."

"It's James' free day Payton; he has a very important job."

"His job isn't important. He's useless. We don't even need him." I replied.

"You do need him. He's there for your safety."

"He's not there for our safety and we both know that." I said through gritted teeth.

"Watch your mouth." She snapped. "And now go change for your interview."

Instead of talking back I just got up and went over to Anna who had my clothes. I wasn't in the mood to keep arguing now.

"Just a bit more than 5 months then you won't have to deal with her anymore." Anna whispered when I reached her.

"But my normal contract won't end when the six months are over; it's just the contract for the relationship that ends."

"But you could get out of the contract if you pay the fine. I'm sure the new movie will be a success. You could use the money from it to pay her off."

I nodded. "I might eventually do that. But first I have to get through the five months, and then I will decide what to do."

"Good choice." She replied before handing me a pair of bright red heels and a dress that had a red top and a white skirt with a pattern in different colors.

While I was still changing, Alexa was already complaining again. "Payton, you will be on in 5. Hurry up!"

"I'm almost ready." I replied annoyed and quickly slid on the second shoe.

"Let me just quickly go over your lipstick." Anna said, before rushing over to me to color my lips with the dark pink lipstick she was holding in her hand.


"The interviewer's name is Emma." Alexa told me while we were on our way to the stage. "She has only had this job for a few months yet, so I'm quite positive that her questions won't be too annoying."

I nodded. I preferred the interviewers that were fairly new in the industry because they usually weren't confident enough to ask questions that were too intimate and personal.

"You will be on in a few seconds." A member of the staff told me when we arrived at the side of the stage.

"Alright." I said, while the interviewer was already talking about me.

"Now." The staff member suddenly said and slightly shoved me forward.

I put on a smile and confidently walked out on the stage to get the interview over and done with. The audience was applauding loudly and I waved at them before greeting the women called Emma.

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