chapter 11 ~ trouble in paradise?

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It was the middle of November and I was staring out of one of the windows in Alexa's office.

Back at home in Michigan it was usually cold at this time of the year, not cold enough for snow but the trees were already leafless and when leaving the house early, one could see their own breath in the cold morning air.

But here in L.A. it was the total opposite. Right now it was still warm enough to go out without wearing a jacket, gloves and a scarf and while walking down the streets of the city you could clearly see who was coming from a cold place. Those were the people who were still walking around in their summer clothes. In the middle of November. Crazy, I know.

But during my first winter over here I belonged to those as well. As a girl from Michigan I was used to having temperatures like these during summer and was kind of surprised when I finally experienced my first ever Christmas without any snow.

Now, after two years of living here, I had gotten used to the temperatures and my summer clothes had already been exiled to the back of my closet at the end of September. I even enjoyed the winter in California by now. Outside the sun was still shining, the palms never lost their palm leaves and you never had to worry to slip and fall onto your butt while walking down the street. After growing up with snow every year it was actually enjoyable to get away from it at one point.

"Payton?" A sharp voice suddenly brought me back to the here and now.

"What?" I asked, not even trying to cover that I wasn't listening at all.

"I was asking you something." Alexa snapped.

"Good for you. If you repeat it I might even answer the question." I replied and crossed my arms.

She frowned but didn't react to my comment. Instead she just pulled something out of one of the drawers in her desk and almost threw it at us. It was a magazine I had actually planned on buying later today. Well, now I could just take this one with me.

"I'll come straight to the point now. What were you thinking?" She shouted with a bright red face.

I took up the magazine that had landed in my lap and started flipping through it.

"Page 22." Alexa said through gritted teeth.

I stopped randomly looking through the magazine and opened the page she was talking about before holding the magazine between Nathan and me so that he could see something as well.

It was an article. An article about us. At least that's what the heading said.

Trouble in paradise? Payton Keyes and Nathan Atkins - their public fight.

Lately Payton Keyes and Nathan Atkins have been in the tabloids quite often. After the initial rumors of them "fake dating" have died down they have often been seen in public together. The young actors were always happy and no one could get the smiles off of their faces.

They always looked like the perfect couple and many teenage girls were dreaming about a relationship like theirs. As a result both Nathan's and Payton's popularity got higher and higher over the past weeks resulting in them being seen less together.

An insider told us they were heading towards a crisis which made us listen attentively.

A crisis? Nayton and a crisis?

Now you might think the insider is a liar and actually doesn't know the two of them ...

Well, at first we thought so as well. The couple was just too perfect to have a crisis. But that's the point; they were so perfect together that even we got a bit suspicious and wanted to find out about the truth.

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