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Asriel woke before Chara, and was a little surprised for a bit that she was there, but quickly was reminded of the events yesterday, and smiled to himself. He had missed being alone all that time being far from his family and friends (not that he didn't make friends up there), and even when he was down, he mostly set up Christmas decorations on his own. His mother and father would help him out occasionally, but they normally were too busy preparing other things. He also just missed doing special things like that with his special friend. It had been too long since he'd felt that close to someone.

Asriel looked at the clock hanging on the wall. Six fifty-three. Well, it was time for him to make breakfast. He would have asked, but he already knew what Chara would want. Whipped-cream chocolate chip pancakes. That was always her first suggestion every morning when his mother would ask them what they wanted. Of course, Toriel usually told her they couldn't have it every breakfast because having that much sugar every morning would be very bad for her, so they only had it on special occasions. Well, Asriel considered his to be a special occasion.

Asriel didn't even have to wake Chara up for breakfast because it was simply the delicious smell that woke her. She gorged herself in it, and had way more than seconds, but was sure to leave Toriel some.

After breakfast, they both got ready to go to the party. Luckily, there was no Frisk buying her a Christmas party dress, so she just wore her normal attire. She did let Asriel brush her hair though. Asriel was a little more well dressed with his new, ironed Christmas sweater with his also ironed black pants, and his neatly combed fur. After his mother continuously telling him to dress up nicely and how important it is, he just started to do it once he became an adult, because he started to understand that. She would always do the same thing with Asgore (but less so), and now he almost never went a day without looking like a million bucks.

When they got there, to everyone's surprise, Frisk was the one who opened the door. She looked tired, but her face lit up when she saw them. "Oh, wow, welcome, welcome! Everyone come right in!" she chirped. She moved herself out of the way so everyone could pass through.

As Asriel entered, he remarked, "wow, Frisk, you don't look well, you okay?"

"Huh? Oh, yeah, that's just...from last night...I mean, I was working on *yawn* stuff," she explained lazily, almost like she wasn't quite there.

"So you did spend the night here?" Chara clarified. Frisk chuckled and nodded her head. As Chara suspected.

"Well..." Asriel put a paw on Frisk's shoulder. "Make sure to get plenty of sleep tonight." Frisk smiled and nodded.

Asriel laid his coat over one of the chair backs and looked around. "Where's Papyrus? I would have thought he'd be roaming around here somewhere." Frisk looked around.

"Oh, I, uh, actually don't know," Frisk admitted.

"How so?" Chara asked, squinting her eyes.

"I haven't actually gone out of my room, or...not my room, just the one I slept in until I heard a knock on door," she admitted.

"Wow, you weren't kidding! You did stay up late," Asriel said.

"Oh, Frisk, what did they have you do?" Toriel exclaimed. When only Papyrus worked on the party, he never showed any sign of being tired. Maybe because he wasn't. "They must have worked you-"

"Down to the bone?" Everyone shot their heads up in surprise to the balcony. Sans was standing over them with same skeleton grin as always. Toriel giggled at the unexpected pun.

"Yes, Sans, what did you two have her do?" Toriel asked him. He shrugged.

"Oh, you know, the usual stuff. She helped Papyrus cook and she helped put up the rest of the lights, and she even ran a few late night errands to get some extra things-" Sans walked away from the edge of the balcony. "She's real hardworking and helpful, something I need a lot." Frisk nearly screamed when she suddenly heard Sans behind her.

A Chariel Symphony (A Christmas Special 2019)Where stories live. Discover now