Happy Times With Darker Thoughts

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After a year, Chara still lived in that god-forsaken house. No, nothing had changed. Well, at least for her. Sans and Frisk weren't acting as intimate. It was really weird, they were all lovely dovey in the beginning of their relationship and then they just kinda stopped. They were back to just treating each other like they were only best buds. Living in the same house, though, as them meant she got to see certain parts of their relationship that others didn't. She saw how they interacted when alone even if they didn't think she did and they were just as close if not closer than she once remembered. Chara figured Sans was probably just shy at the realization of how serious his relationship was getting and how just a few years ago, he'd never seen this coming. Frisk was always shy. Chara was amused how thrilled Sans seemed to be when she started spending less time at their house, even if he didn't try and show it. See, she spent almost every minute trying to visit Dreemurr's place and would even stay weeks there at times. Asriel decided he would like to come down every December for Christmas break to go visit his family because he missed them a lot from where he stayed (of course, it didn't have to be said that the driving point for this decision came from Chara's arrival). Now that he was down, Chara wasn't shy about coming in unexpectedly; after all, these were the people who were responsible for gaining her humanity back. Not that they minded, oh, not at all; Asriel always greeted her with open arms and even sometimes pick her up and spin her around, and Toriel would give her the most warm, motherly hug you could ask for-or if Asriel stayed with Asgore, he also give her a hug...except this one was much more rough and strong. He could easily break my neck if he wanted to, she always thought when he did this. Nevertheless, she loved it all the same.

Today was no different because, as soon as Chara walked through those doors, Asriel lifted her up and spun her around.

"Aw-buddy, cut that out," she said, unconvincing and slightly blushing. She'd hate to admit it, but she always hoped he'd do that every time she came. Asriel chuckled lightly at the nickname (it was something Chara called him when they met since he was uncomfortable with calling her friend something so "regal". Now only when she's older, she realized how silly she was being. Now she only says that when she's embarrassed, whether it's good or bad), but didn't bring anything more of it.

"Are you coming to the party with us all?" was all he asked her, grabbing a his coat off a clothes holder in the living room, and put it on her. It was dark and so cold outside and she only traveled in her usual green and yellow striped sweater. She didn't want to waist any time, but now her rosy cheeks were even more rosy against her pale skin and she was staring to run. She adjusted the coat and sighed.

"That's tomorrow, isn't it?"

"Christmas is tomorrow, isn't it?" Asriel grinned.

"Couldn't stay even if I wanted to," she remarked. No one would be forcing her to go but there would be that unsaid obligation preventing he from doing so.

"Of course you could, you know, if you wanted to," Asriel affirmed. Chara shook her head.

"Ah, I like being with you guys. You all give off a nice vibe. Good vibes are healthy." Asriel furrowed his eyebrows but smiled nonetheless.

"Since when do you care about staying healthy?" Chara blinked.


"Last Halloween, you practically ate all the chocolate we bought for the tricker treaters," he explained (A/N: I'm actually writing this part the day after Halloween and I'm pigging out on some CARAmel, chocolate candy. Though my tummy is starting to hurt from all the candy I ate, I should probably stop). Chara rolled her yes but kept smiling.

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