Princes and Princesses

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[Chica's POV]

This Foxy looks like he is ready to murder someone. Not to mention he almost murdered me!

He looked surprised by the attack Bonnie suddenly jumped in with though. His baggy shorts were torn even more by now, and his hook had some dirt on it. That smile though, that murderous smile. I shivered, he was really giving me the creeps.

"Come on Chica, I gotta get you outta here!" Bonnie yelled grabbing my hand. Bonne was a surprisingly fast runner. She was dodging all sorts of stuff laying on the ground, trying her hardest to find the exit to this place.

Sadly Fake Foxy was faster. He caught up to us, and tackled us both to the ground. He picked me up and tried to kiss me. Our lips barely missing each other's.

"WTF! GET OFF ME!" I screamed, as I punched him in the stomach. It hardly even fazed him though, going after me again. What is it with his obsession with me? I wondered. He was not going after Bonnie, even though she was the one that attacked him.

I looked over at Bonnie, who was struggling to get off the ground. I think he hit her way to hard for her body to handle. At least she wasn't dead. That thought creeped into my head.

"What are you thinking....." I mumbled to myself. The only way I was going to defeat this guy was to think like him. Outsmart him.

"Little lady..." the Fake Foxy said, taking one step close. I took one step back instinctively. "You shouldn't be scared of a little pirate like me!" he shouted, lunging at me.

I dodged his attack, and pushed him to the side. He just laughed, his horrible laugh. Think Chica think, I told myself.

A sudden lightbulb went off in my head. I dropped down onto the floor. "I surrender. I can't run anymore, you have cornered me.." I said defeated.

He smiled, ''Your damn right." He grabbed my arms and dragged me back to Pirate's Cove. When we got there I gasped. The place looked a mess!

The curtains were ripped,the chest full of gold coins were spilled all over the stage, and the door was hanging off its hinges. It looked like he was having a fight with someone else before he came to get me.

He tied my hands to the back of a chair, and put a gag in my mouth. This was like straight out of horror movies I used to watch. When we were friends... I thought.

[Fake Foxy's POV]

This was too easy. Really easy. A little scratches here and there was the price to pay for capturing my princess. (Stop doing this! Stop controlling my body!) This stupid voice in my head! It was suppose to be my voice, so why wasn't it on my side.

I tied my princess to a chair. She was struggling, it was so cute! (You are sick!) The voice was back again.

"Why can't you just go away...." I said talking with the voice in my head. Unexpectedly, my princess heard me. She tried to shout something, but that gag shut her up. (Untie her, or you will face my wrath once I get my body back!)

Ugggh this guy was annoying. I tried punching myself in the head, and got a little dizzy. Falling on top of my princess, I could hear her scream through the gag. We both hit the ground with a large "OOOFF" sound. I might be a little clumsy, but that didn't matter.

I reached into my pants pocket where I kept my special knife. The one I killed so many people with.

She tried screaming upon seeing my pride and joy, thrashing widely. "The more you struggle, the cuter you look!" I said, my tone seemed really happy.

I decided to just play with her a little bit. Not kill her, just make her bleed. (STOP THIS!)

"Can you just shut up?" I mumbled under my breath. After all it was time to collect my prize for capturing my princess.

She looked so scared, like she could just pass out at the thought of me. I could feel a smile tugging at my lips. It was time.

I raised my special knife high in the air, like my family taught me, and brought it down on her arm. The blood was everywhere, the delicious blood.

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