Bonnie vs. Foxy

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[Fake Foxy's POV]

I held the hook up to my princess' head, ready to brutally kill her. (You know that I am the original right?) Arghhh this guy is so annoying.

"I'm the original...." I muttered softly, trying to get this guy to shut up. My princess just stared at me like I was crazy. She was shaking furiously, and trying to get herself untied. Of course I wouldn't let that happen.

I suddenly heard footsteps down the hallway, fastly approaching this room. When I turned around there stood Bonnie and Freddy.

I smile wickedly, "Hello brother and Bonnie! I've missed you two." They both stared at me, with different expressions on their faces. Freddy was looking sympathetic, while Bonnie was really pissed off.

"I knew you were evil all along Foxy..." Bonnie muttered, heavely breathing from the run it took to get over here. (That's not me Bonnie! Its this faker!)

"Freddy should've stopped me then. He knew I was like this." Bonnie suddenly looked at Freddy in confusion. He looked back at her with pleading eyes, trying to say he was sorry.

"Ahhhh. But you would never turn me in brother, now would you? You were to proud of me." Once I said that Freddy approached me and scowled.

"Its true that I might have liked your evil passions...." Freddy said, staring at me with his deep brown eyes. "But you have taken it WAY to far!" Freddy yelled, lunging at me with his right hand extended.

He looked pretty beat up already, it would be easy to kill him. (Please stop!) I ignored the voice, side stepping to the left to dodge the attack.

He hit the wall with tremendous force, sulking down under the pain of the impact.

"FREDDY!" Bonnie shouted, a look of horror and pain on her face. It looked like she was going to help him, so I stood in front of her way.

"Get the fuck out of the way Foxy...." She litteraly growled at me. I smiled, I liked people who were willing to put up a fight.

To my left I heard shouting. I looked in that direction to see what was going on, when I was tackled to the ground by Bonnie.

She brought up her right hand, and punched me square inn the face. I could feel blood oozing out of my mouth as she kept punching me. I liked this girl, she was fiesty.

I easily pushed her off me, as I stood up and walked over to my knife. Holding it in my left hand, I stared at her.

"You will never beat me..." I growled. "This is for my parents!" I charged at her, tossing the knife over to my right and and bringing it down on her shoulder.

She shot to the right and tried to kick the knife out of my hand. (GO BONNIE!) This voice was getting really annoying now. I needed to get rid of it. I didn't even think to retrieve my knife,

which was laying on the ground to my right, but I was looking for a way to get rid of the voice.

"I don't give a shit about your parents...." She grumbled staring at me malisously. "You hurt Freddy... And this is payback."

She reached down and grabbed my knife before I could react. She glared at me with an evil smile all across her lips. I could tell she had the intent of killing me in her mind.

[Bonnie's POV]

I picked up his disgusting, blood covered, knife off the ground. I could feel a smile tugging at my lips. I want to kill him. Soooo bad, but my main goal has to be to rescue Chica and help Freddy.

He kept mumbling things quietly, like he was talking to himself. Wow this guy really is crazy. I looked around the room until my eyes fell on Chica.

She was covered in blood espicially on her right and left arms. I could tell he stabbed her there because they both had deep wounds on them. Her hair was covering her face, and she was crying her eyes out of tears. Blood slowly dipped down her face onto her legs, which a dark red spot was slowly forming.

I looked back at Foxy, who has surprisingly a couple inches away from me. He bit my arm trying to tear the flesh off.

I screamed, my mind slowly going blank. I could see blood dripping down my arms, and my flesh trying to escape from my body.

I tried kicking him off me, when I remembered I had his knife. With all my strength left, I tried stabbing him in the face.

To my surprise the dagger actually hit, and he stumbled backwards in pain. He slowly touched the knife's handle, and pulled it out of his face. That's not human...

He glared at me ready to kill, and all I remember was the horrible sight of Chica watching me die.



Hello guys it is SecretAgentFox here. I justed wanted to ask if you were enjoying the story so far. I also wanted to say to go check out my other story "Four Best Friends"! I think it is pretty good, and I would like it to be pretty popular like this one!

I hope you are enjoying the story, so peace out agents!

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