Chapter1 The hitch hicker

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I sat in the back of the truck as Sean convinced mike to drive faster. Without even thinking he pressed the gas all the way down. I punched him in the back of the head and mike slammed on brake as I jumped out and puked all over the Side of the road. Sean yelled out the window to hurry up and get back in the truck. I hopped in and yelled at mike to slow down. Sarcastically, he apologized and claimed he forgot I had a weak stomach but I don't believe him after three years of "friendship" he has never treated me good, he just gives me a place to stay. Sean turned up the radio to drowned me out. Five minutes later as we drive down the highway I feel like I'm about pass out or throw up again but out of the corner of my eyes I see a man with a weird limping walk with his thumb up. I instantly recognize him and tell Michael to stop for him. Just to be a dick, Michael stops for him but speeds up a little bit so the man has to limp to the truck. As the man hops into the truck he looks into my eyes and recognizes me but I shake my head warning him not to say anything. "Where you heading to" Michael says. "Gotham" replies the hitcher. And next Sean said the unthinkable "you walk like a penguin, has anyone ever told you that?" "No nobody's ever told me that" says the man. As soon as Sean said that I seen the anger in his eyes and he looks towards me as the under of his eyes turn black and his face turns as pale as mine. I give him the "it's okay" or "it doesn't matter what they say" look, but it didn't work this time as he pulled out his switchblade and cuts Michael throat and as blood hits the windshield Michael hit the brakes and again I had to throw up but this time I felt so unbearably sick. After I was done puking I ran back to the truck to see if he was alright. I yelled for Oswald but all I could see was blood and two dead bodies but no Oswald. Than I seen Oswald run up to me so he can apologize but I stopped him before he could even speak and thanked him. His first response was "Daisy! I'm so sorry for your friends and leaving and never keeping in contact! I stopped him once more and just collapsed in his arms and cried.. Not because I was upset over the death of Michael and Sean just because everything we went through together and how we got separated. He than comforted me and took my hand as we walked down the looney road
together and for once I felt that everything was going to be alright again.

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