Chapter 55: Share with me your tears

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 Ok, Katsumi. You flew two provinces over for this. She panted, calming her nerves. Don't blow a fuse now. You need every bit of information you can get if you are going to help.

Glasses is down on the ground and hasn't even twitched in reaction to the explosion. Izuku is frozen in place holding his position, and- Is that goddamn Native? She let out another breath, eyes locking back onto the wall she had knocked Stain into. At least their chests are moving. No one is dead...

Focus, dammit. No one has moved, yet they are all alive and breathing. She smirked. Paralytic quirk. Fuck.

What's the activation parameters... Her eyes darted onto the two on the floor than Izuku. Blood is everywhere... but Izuku isn't bleeding at all.

Two options. Either the size of the cut doesn't matter. Or She can paralyze from something else- Only way to confirm...

She looked at Izuku one last time, noticing the small nick on his suit by his right bicep.

That plus all the blades and the spikes on her boots... it has to be cuts. Need to keep my distance.

The rubble twitched and Stain slowly rose after five seconds of downtime. But those 5 seconds were all that Katsumi needed.

"You're lucky as fuck, Deku. Best Jeanist's agency was heading this way to help out with the Noumu attack anyway. " She rolled her shoulders as Stain started getting up. "Gave them the location and rushed in."

Her hands crackled. "And I've built up a lot of sweat already."

" You, " Stain hissed. "Winner of the sports festival. Bakugou Katsumi." Her face darkened "Yet another fake, throwing around your strength with no thought of consequence, no care for anyone or anything other than victory."

"Bakugou, get out of here. This isn't your fight!" Tomoyo screamed, gritting her teeth.

"It's Ground Zero while I'm wearing the suit, Glasses," she spat, rolling her other shoulder. "And so what If I'm doing it to win?" She flipped Stain off. "If I win, then they're saved."

Stain growled and charged forward.

Pfft. Hahahahaha- Izuku chuckled in his head, body aching with its inability to move. You really are ready to play into the role, aren't you, Kacchan?

"Ok̜, ̳s̝h̗u̟t u̟p ̥l͢o͔verb̟o͙y͉, ̫w̖e n͈e̥e̡d ̼y̰ou ͓t̥o ͉ge̳t̤ ̼movin̪g̥ ̜ag̳a͉i̪n̯.̤ ̬A̧ny Ide͔as̱?̥"̡

I've been trying everything I could. It's not a neural block. My actual muscles are frozen. Best guess is her quirk blocks the skeletal muscle cells from contracting.

"That...̝ m̮ak͎eͅs̼ ͓some̫ ͔s̭e̝nse- ̬but̠ wͅhy̙ a̤re̼ y͜ou̬ ̹s̙t͈uc̗k l̢i͎k̩e̟ t̥his?̬"

He would've shrugged if he could. But the thought of it was enough for Nana. My best guess? It's One for All's power output. Unguided, it's keeping its form and shape, trapping me in this position.

"S̱o...̗ ̠in͕ ̯th̜eory̬ ͕y̱ou ̡cou͍ld̬ m̢ov̮e u̘si̳ng ̯j͎u͟s̬t ̻One̥ for ͖All̡?"̬

...It molds to my intent. But I would need time to even attempt something like that.

Explosions shook the street as Katsumi retaliated, neither combatant gaining any ground.

"S̜h̳e ͈f͙le͓w͟ i̭n f͙r̡om̹ ͎Go͜d-ḵn̯o̝w̱s̹-w̝h̜e͜re ͓usin̥g ͔her̟ q̼u̫ir͙k- do y̱ou̟ ̞th͕ink ̲s̳h͓e̗ ca͚ņ keep ͈thiṣ u͙p͟?̟"

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