Identity Revealed

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((I’m skipping the rest of the fights because they kind of bore me in a way))

(Owner’s Booth)

A average sized blue ogre with blond hair and brown loin-cloth with black stripes around its waist stood by a small toddler wearing a light blue shirt tied by a red sash, khaki pants, black shoes, and a hat a top it’s head with the letter JR in the center. “Koenma sir, who is that girl” said the ogre with concern as well as fright. “I’m not sure ogre” said the small toddler named Koenma. “Well is she our friend or foe?” the ogre asked. Koenma stared through the glass of the booth and looked long and hard at the girl.

“I’m really not sure at this point, but given the fact she defeated an enemy gives me reason to believe she’s on our side…for now” said Koenma with a tone of uncertainty. “Yes, Koenma sir” the ogre replied.

(Normal P.O.V)

The boys returned to the hotel room with the masked fighter and mysterious girl. As soon as everyone was in the room the girl fell to the ground unconscious and bleed. Kurama being the smart one ran up to the girl and checked her pulse. “Its faint but there” was all he replied. Yusuke, who had finally woken up, picked up the girl and placed her on the couch.

“What do we do Kurama, she’s losing a lot of blood” Yusuke asked with concern within his voice. Kurama looked up at Yusuke with uncertainly. “At this point I’m not sure there is much we can do” Kurama replied. The girl groaned before opening her blue eyes weakly. Both Yusuke and Kurama turned to the girl.

Hiei watched from the corner of the room as a soft blue light began to shine around the girl. ‘What is she doing?’ though a somewhat curious Hiei. Both Yusuke and Kurama backed up as the light began to get brighter and brighter until suddenly it disappeared in a blink of an eye. Kuwabara gasped at the sight. “Look” he said as he pointed to where the girl was.

All four boys turned to the girl and gasped as well. Atop her head were a set of wolf/fox ears and a long tail with a red tip by her side with her eyes looking away from the boys. “You’re a hybrid aren’t you?” Kurama asked with curiosity. The girl looked at Kurama with eyes glowing bright red. Kurama for some reason couldn’t help the sense of fear that ran through him as he looked into those red eyes.

“What’s it to you?” the girl replied with a hint of anger in her voice. Kurama couldn’t move or speak, the fear was to overbearing. Kuwabara could sense the fear radiating off Kurama and spoke up for his friend instead. “We mean you no harm…we just want to know that’s all” he said with an equal amount of fear in his voice. The girl sat up and continued to stare at Kurama with eye’s still glowing.

“Wither I am full demon or half is none of your concern” she replied as she slowly stood up as Kurama and Kuwabara where both frozen in place. Hiei looked at the girl and couldn’t help the pounding in his chest as he continued to stare at her. ‘She’s powerful and has enough fire to put even the fox to silence’ Hiei thought to himself. “Can you at least give us your name” Yusuke asked with announce. The girl turned her gaze to Yusuke and chuckled as he jumped in fright.

“Fine…my name is Blood Wolf” was all she replied with a fanged grin.  

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