Vocal Rest

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Niall absolutely hated it when he was put on vocal rest. He talked all the time and when he couldn’t, he got very frustrated. Niall had been on vocal rest for two days so far and he was getting antsy. You walked into the kitchen to find a drink and found Niall sitting at the table. He was half laying half sitting with his head propped up on his hand. He looked up when you walked in and waved. He pulled out his phone and pointed at you. Your phone buzzed in your pocket. It was a text from Niall. ‘Babe could you pour me a glass of juice. Pleeeeeease ??????’ You laughed and nodded, going to the cupboard to get a glass. You set the drink in front of him and kissed the top of his head. He mouthed a thank you and kissed the back of you hand. 


when Liam was on vocal rest, the two of you would try to make a game out of it. To make him feel better, you wouldn’t talk either. The two of you would have to act out whatever you wanted to talk about or do. This usually resulted in the two of you doing crazy actions. When you got tired you would put in a movie and cuddle on the couch. 


 When Zayn was on vocal rest, the two of you actually had a lot of fun. Each of you would have a notepad and would make little cartoons of what you wanted to say. Once you had finished your thought, Zayn handed his notepad to you and you laughed. There was a perfect cartoon version of you with a thought bubble above your head that read ‘I love my boyfriend’. You leaned over the table and kissed him on the nose. He smiled and took his notepad back and drew an eye, a heart, and an arrow pointed at you. ” awe! Zayn, I love you too”


 vocal rest with Louis was a nightmare. He was terrible at staying quiet. “Y/n? What is the point of this?”  He asked, his voice breaking slightly. “Louis! I swear to god if you don’t stop talking I’m going to smack you!” He pouted and crossed his arms. You must have told him at least four times already to stay quiet. He had been sick for a while and was starting to lose his voice. “Louis I’m serious. Your voice is already scratchy because of your cold and I don’t want it to get worse ok?” He still stared at you with his bottom lip stuck out.  You handed him a cup of tea with honey and he seemed to relax a bit, laying his head on your shoulder. 

Harry: the boys were about an hour away from doing a live performance for a charity event. Harry had gotten a sore throat earlier in the week and you had done everything possible to make sure he didn’t lose his voice. Harry had just finished the cup of tea you made him and he handed you the mug. He started to head off toward the stage and stopped to give you a hug. “Can I talk now?” He whispered. You nodded and squeezed his hand. “Thank god. Ok I gotta go. Love you!” He called back as he followed the boys toward the stage.

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