Louis: “C’mon Clayton,” Louis said, jogging down the stairs in his soccer uniform. “Let’s hurry outside. The other boys will be over in a bit and we can play a quick game before it rains.” “But dad,” The eight year old whined. “I’m helping mom right now.” “I’m sure she can handle it on her own, Clay. The sun won’t wait for us.” “Go on, Clay. It’s alright. I can finish making the cookies myself. I don’t mind.” Clayton shook his head, determined to stay and help his mother make cookies rather than play soccer. “You can stay if you want Clayton,” Louis interjected. “I’ll be outside if you want to join me.”
Liam: “C’mon boys, if you want to go with Daddy for his bands’ practice, we have to leave now.” The two boys groaned but trudged into the kitchen with Liam. “Can’t we stay here, Dad?” Ben said, giving Liam his best puppy dog face which he had inherited from Liam. “Your mother needs a break. She’s already 6 months pregnant and she needs a break from all of us.” “But we wanna take care of her,” Adam said, trying to convince Liam to let them spend the day with you. “Can’t we stay here, please?!” Liam sighed but nodded. “Go on but you better not tire her out. She needs her rest. Now, go on before I’m late.” He said, shooing the boys to go visit their mother.
Niall: Niall watched in awe you held your son, Lucas. He was barely 2 hours old but Niall was convinced that he’s be a momma’s boy. “Look at that, he’s already taking after me.” You looked up at Niall, a smile seemed to be painted on your face since you had finally met your son. “How so, Niall?” “He loves his mother so much already.” He says, reaching forward to caress your cheek with his thumb. “Can’t say I blame him though. He’s got the perfect mother. I think he likes you more than he likes me!”
Zayn: You were sitting on the floor, your twin sons, who were only five years old, sitting in front of you as they colored. Zayn stumbled through the doorway and chuckled at the sight of his family on the floor. “What are you tree doing?” He laughed, leaning against the door frame as he observed you. “We’re drawing mommy.” Sam, the younger twin, said while Dean, the older twin, focused all of his attention on making his drawing of you perfect. “Yeah,” Dean chimed in, biting his lip in concentration. “We gotta make her look perfect.” “But she already looks perfect, right boys?” Zayn said approaching you and leaning down to ruffle Sam’s hair. “Duh, but it’s hard to draw that so that’s why we need to focus!”
Harry: By the time Harry got home, it was almost midnight. He expected his family to be asleep in bed but was shocked when he saw his wife and son, Jordan, asleep on the couch. Jordan fell asleep on your chest and Harry felt his heart swell at the scene before him. The credits of his favorite movie, The Lion King, was playing as you both slept. Quietly, Harry moved and lifted his 6-year-old son into his arms. “Mommy.” The boy groaned as he was being moved. “She’s asleep buddy. She’ll see you in the morning though.” The boy seemed content with that answer and fell back asleep as Harry placed him in bed before going back downstairs to carry you up to bed with him.

One Direction Preferences
JugendliteraturOkay so these might all come from Tumblr and I'll credit the real writer. PEACE ✌️ LOVE