Louis: You were sitting on the couch, on speaker-phone with your best friend. “So… How’s Louis in bed? Is he good?” You hesitated, not because it was awkward because you both talked about this kind of stuff all of the time, because, lately, you haven’t reached your orgasm. You don’t know why you hadn’t reached it, maybe because you weren’t in the mood or , but you didn’t want to blame Louis for it. “Honestly? I’ve had to fake it lately. But I don’t know why. I mean he’s great in bed I-I just haven’t gotten there lately.” She paused. “Are you serious?! He doesn’t know about this, does he?” “Of course not! I don’t want him to think he’s not good enough or anything like that.” You heard her sigh. “Maybe you should tell him I me-” “What!? No! He’ll be mad at me because I faked it!” “Honey… Louis is madly in love with you. You should see the way that he looks at you all the time. He could never be mad at you.” You sigh and rest your head in your hands. “She’s gonna have to call you back y/bff/n.” Your heads snaps up to see Louis ending the phone call. “L-Louis…You didn’t hear anything did you?” Your voice was just above a whisper. “Oh, darling, I heard everything. And I wanna make it up to you.” Wait… What? “Make it up to me? But I-I’ve been lying to you…” He laughed and took a seat next to you. “You haven’t orgasmed in about a week so I’ll just have to make you cum at least 7 times for every day. You won’t even be able to walk tomorrow.” He pulls you onto his lap, his hands resting on your butt. “I know how rough you like it so I’ll just be extra rough tonight.”
Liam: You were not the one who told him, Zayn was. He didn’t mean to tell him, it just slipped out. The only reason that Zayn knew you had faked an orgasm for Liam was because you told him when you were drunk one night. You had no idea that he even knew about it. “Y/n! Come down here. I need you.” You ran down stairs and saw him sitting on the couch watching a soccer game. He notices you and straightens up. “C’mere babe. I need to talk to ya.” You sat down on his lap and turned to face him. He immediately turns you so that your back is resting against his chest with his arms wrapped around you waist. “So someone told me that I’m not pleasing you enough in bed.” “Liam no your-” He interrupted you by turning you head to kiss you. He pulled away and smirked at you. “I’m going to punish you for lying to me.” He slowly moved his hand down to your jean shorts and unbuttoned them. He slipped his hand into your underwear and pushes two fingers into you. “You’re not supposed to lie to me babe. Now I have no other choice but to punish you.”
Niall: He could tell that you had faked it. He knew exactly what you are like when you orgasm and tonight was completely different from normal. He decided to wait until the morning to ask you. For now, he pulled himself out of you and laid down next to you, pulling you to his side. The next morning you woke up, he wasn’t next to you. You went down stairs and saw Niall lying on the couch. “Hey baby,” You walked over and ran your fingers through his hair. “Why are you up so early?” You said since it was only 8 a.m. “Can-Can we talk?” You could hear the nervousness in his voice but you nodded anyway. He sits up and pats the spot next to him. “I’m sorry about last night. I should’ve-” You cut off with a kiss. “It wasn’t your fault. I just didn’t feel like it last night.” You leaned in to kiss him again. “You’re amazing, Niall.” He sighed and leaned into you. “I was just worried because all I want is to please you and I thought that I hadn’t been doing that.” “Well then maybe you can make it up to me now.” You suggested before pulling him into a passionate kiss.
Zayn: It was childish to be playing a game of truth or dare but when you play it with One Direction, things get interesting. Mainly dares were chosen, they made Niall eat some disgusting sandwich that Louis mad for him or they let you put makeup on Harry and watch him try to walk around in heels. You aren’t as daring as they are so when it was your turn, you chose truth. Sadly Louis was the person who chose what to ask you. “Ok y/n. I have the perfect question for you.” You internally groaned, this couldn’t be good judging by the wicked smirk on his face. “Have you ever faked an orgasm for Zayn?” Your eyes went wide. You faked and orgasm only once with Zayn but you knew that he would still be upset. “You’re so quiet now y/n. Got something to hide?” Harry teased you while everyone, except Zayn, was laughing. His eyes stared into yours, waiting for you to answer no. You sighed and nodded. “One time. I just. I wasn’t in the mood for it. That’s all.” This causes the boys to die of laughter. Zayn’s eyes went wide and he stood up and pulled you with him. “We’re leaving boys. I need to go home and take care of my girlfriend.”
Harry: Niall was your best friend in the band. You told him everything so this wasn’t an awkward conversation. You were complaining to Niall about last night. It was yours and Harry’s 1 anniversary. It wasn’t your first time together but you wanted it to be perfect but you ended up having to fake an orgasm since it wasn’t how you expected it. He was extremely sloppy the entire night and was rushing through everything. “And.. I just don’t know Niall cause I don’t know how he’d react if I told him Maybe he would be mad that it did it or he’ll be sad because I lied to him.” “If it’s bothering you this much then maybe you should tell him. You’ll feel a lot better after you do.” You sighed. You knew he was right but you really didn’t want to see Harry’s reaction to it. “I’ll just tell him that last night wasn’t as good as I had expected it to be…” You hadn’t seen Harry enter the room since you were facing Niall. “Maybe I can make it up to you then.” Your head whipped around to see Harry standing behind you. “Harry… I.” He pulled you up from your seat next to Niall. “We’ll see you later Niall. I have to make it up to my girlfriend for being too selfish last night.”

One Direction Preferences
Teen FictionOkay so these might all come from Tumblr and I'll credit the real writer. PEACE ✌️ LOVE