He Catches You... And Tweets A Picture

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Harry: He catches you sitting on the bathroom floor, painting your toes. Your leg folded tightly against you, your knee near your ear. You eyebrows furrowed, and you bottom lip trapped between your teeth as you concentrate on not getting nail polish all over. He snaps a picture. ‘@Y/T/N this little piggy said “wee wee wee” all the way home.’

Liam: He catches you sitting on the couch with your laptop in your lap, and a bowl of cereal in your hands. Your skyping a friend from home, when he walked in you were screaming and fan girling about new pictures and videos of 5sos.You have the biggest smile on your face and your friend is holding her phone to the camera. ‘@5sos I think she loves you guys more than me’

Niall: He catches you cleaning the bed room. Wearing his beats, as you dance around the room singing along to the song coming through the speakers. Your holding the end of a brush to your mouth using it a as mic. ‘@Y/T/N looks like we have a star on the rise hehe’

Louis: He catches you standing in front of the mirror, hands on your hips. trying on different dresses for tonight’s premiere. When he walked in you were talking to your dog. It was very obvious that was what is happening, the dog staring up at you, as you looked down at it. ‘@Y/T/N did I interrupt something?’

Zayn: He catches you laying on your back, on the floor. Arms and legs spread out, text books and papers surrounding you. When he came into the room you had a book over your face. He could hear your quietly groaning “I give up, I give up, I give up, who needs an education anyway.” He snapped a picture and tweeted it. ‘I walked into the flat and found this @Y/T/N I hope all this studying didn’t kill yah.’

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