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I walked onto the stage, standing right next to Gina, she was auditioning for Gabriella, and I had come to the conclusion that even if I was not a blonde, I wanted to be Sharpay more than I wanted to be Gabriella.

I do have a bad bitch energy, don't I?

The guy Carlos I had seen yesterday told us to stretch so that we could do a quick warm up dance number. He quickly gave us all a number and told us to go change.

"People make sure your audition number is clearly visible on your clothes, this isn't a game" he exclaimed.

I walked backstage and started changing.

"So? What number do you have?" Gina asked. I looked at the piece of paper in my hands. 1.

"I got number 1" I said. I looked at Gina, she already had a number 2 hanging on her chest.

"Awesome, 2 is my lucky number, ya know" she said looking at me with a smile.

I had grown very fond of Gina, she was nice but not super nice, she had this little edge to her. She made me laugh a lot but even in this little two days of knowing her I could tell she was competitive, like very competitive.

"Okay everybody, take your places, we need to start with the first group!" Carlos shouted to everyone in the dressing room.

I walked to a spot in the front. A drama teacher from my past high school told me that you should always take a spot front and center if I wanted to be taken into consideration. It made sense to me, and it worked since, in my next audition I got the lead role.

Carlos finished the dance number that we were using as a warm up. He then gave us instructions to start at a certain sound of the music. And when the music started playing and I gave it my all.

"Look at them go!" I heard Miss Jen.

"Go 1 and 2" Carlos cheered.

I was in getting to the end of the choreography when I saw another group of kids coming to the stage. Between two guys there was the Nini girl. So that gave me the extra edge I needed and I ended the choreography with all my strength in a high kick. I looked at her and gave her a "smile".

"Great warm up" Carlos said.

I took a step towards my stuff and grabbed my water bottle, Gina came behind me, grabbing a water bottle for herself. She looked at me smiling.

"So, saw you throwing knifes with your eyes at that girl" She said. I didn't need an explanation I knew she was talking about Nini.

"I cannot deny that" I said, I wasn't going to lie to her, I don't like Nini at all.

𝕃𝕦 ; Ricky Bowen (Very Slow Updates)Where stories live. Discover now