chapter one

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Anastasia stopped in the middle of the forest when she caught her appearance in a newly formed puddle from the rainy night before. She was taken aback by the unfamiliar appearance that was on top of her body.

The girl couldn't remember the last time she has seen herself, it could have been when she was in Mount Weather or maybe at Arkadia. All she knew was that her skin was darker, her once silky hair has become a rats nests infested with twigs and branches. Her face was elongated and skinny, with the looked of exhaustion spread across it.

It looked like she has been in the forest for years not months. If anyone from Arkadia were to see her now she wondered if they would be able to recognize her, or would they just see her like all the other grounders running around. She wondered if Bellamy would be able to tell her apart from all the other grounders if he ever saw her.

Ana heard about the treks that the Arkadians take driving through the dirt paths looking for her and Clarke. Somedays she hopes that he does find her and others she wants nothing more than to completely forget about him. The girl knew she could never do the latter, no matter how much she wanted to.

The only thing she's been able to rid from her mind were the nightmares she used to have about Mount Weather. That could have been from the lack of sleep, but even when she closed her eyes, she wasn't taken back to the drill and those haunting words, it's black. She didn't completely know what they met until a week after she left. Anastasia cut her hand, seeing not red but midnight black flowing from her veins, filling the creases in her palm.

"Ana!" Acher called out catching up with the girl noticing her eyes transfixed on the mirrored image that laid upon the small pool in the ground, "Ana?" He shook her shoulder watching the girl come back to earth as she blinked her eyes rapidly, watching them tear up slightly from dryness, "laik yu good?"( are you good) The boy asked sliding down to meet her on the ground. Over his shoulder was the small rabbits he had killed during their time out in the forest.

Acher was a grounder boy who found her awhile ago slumping through the woods. He belonged to a small merchant Trikru village. Surprisingly enough he was able to convince his clan to welcome Anastasia in with very specific rules and guidelines. Amongst the list of rules was that she must learn Trigedasleng, and Acher gladly offered to help her. They've become pretty close, he probably is the reason Anastasia has stayed sane and alive.

The girl nodded, "Yeah" she dipped her hands into the puddle waiting for the lukewarm water to funnel into her hands. The image of herself broke and she splashed the water that she cupped into her hands, onto her unrecognizable face.

"Osir beda ge back fou sundown" ( we should get back before sundown) Acher uttered standing back up, pulling Anastasia with him, "yu seemed meizen deep raun thought" ( you seemed really deep in thought) he added as they made their way towards the village.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 24, 2021 ⏰

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