Chapter 4

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It was well after midnight when my broken side finally wore itself out. The manic pacing of my thoughts gradually returned, yanking me out of my depression. I couldn't concentrate, I had to do something, but I couldn't go back to that yellow binder.

I surveyed my room, desperate for anything to do. It was long and oval, my walls a buttery yellow, contrasting starkly with the dark wood of my furniture. I had the biggest window in the house, with a window seat my parents put in to make the house better than our neighbors. My bed was soft and velvety, too soft, it made me slightly uncomfortable, with a down comforter and the fluffiest navy pillows. Finally, my eyes rested on my bookshelf. It was custom made to fit the curved walls, and of course, stocked full of books.

I launched myself to my feet and came to a stop in front of it. I knew exactly which book I was searching for; I had them all nearly memorized, and I found it within seconds. It was an old book, with a fancy mahogany binding, and gold print labeling the cover.

Hints of power

My heart raced as I pulled it out of the shelf and threw it with uncanny precision onto my bed. I flipped it open impatiently and started reading.

Chapter 1: Menders- Menders have the power to heal flesh wounds. The size and severity of the wound is no obstacle for a skilled, trained, Mender, however, they cannot bring back someone from death. Characteristics of Menders often include a nurturing instinct, selflessness, and an idealistic outlook on life.

I sincerely doubted the probability of me being a Mender. I'd never had any interest in in the medical area. And an idealistic outlook on life? Not exactly.

I flipped through the chapters describing Faders and Shielders and came to the section on elemental powers. Could I be a Melter? I did enjoy the heat, and I had the rosy cheeks... But nothing else, really.

Sighing, I turned to the part of the book where the 'elastic' powers were located. Maybe I was a Flexer. I had a skinny build, good for stretching. But when it came to gymnastics... No.

My favorite thing to imagine myself as was a Glider. I turned back the pages until I came to the section, with illustrations depicting flying patterns. 

Gliders- Gliders have the power of flight and can carry three times their own weight. When they manifest, Gliders develop hollow bones. Unlike other animals capable of aviation, the abilities of a Glider seem to function similarly to those of certain rare Telekinetics who are able to levitate themselves merely through the will of the mind.

It's one of the simplest powers in the book. Maybe it was cliché, but doesn't every person dream of flying? So many times I had tried to convince myself that maybe my light brown eyes did have a hint of sky-blue in them. Maybe I was so light and skinny because I was meant to be airborne one day. Maybe my hair wasn't as thick as everyone else's because it was meant to be carried on a breeze. But wishful thinking wouldn't get me anywhere.

I put the book away and picked up my yellow binder. I could do the homework in study hall tomorrow. No point in doing it when I was tired. Instead, I opened the latest edition of HeroHelp that had been laying on my desk. These magazines were given to everyone at school and contained ideas about how to build up potential and unlock your power. I began reading through for the third time, and sometime around 1, I finally fell asleep with my head on my desk.

My brother was in a cheery mood when I came down to breakfast that morning.

"Hey, Katrine!" Kaleb called from the table as I came down the stairs, rubbing my eyes sleepily. "Why'd you sleep through dinner last night? We had tacos! I ate five!"

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