All the Silent Sorrows

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The monster swirled around and slammed the dark-haired girl against the wall with a sickeningcrunch. The Doctor yelled and skidded around, throwing himself in front of Nyxie. 

"What do you want from her?!" he yelled hoarsely. 

The monster did not speak, only vanished. The Doctor cursed and kneeled down in front of Nyxie. 

"Nyxie, are you all right?" 

Nyxie coughed up dark blood and nodded slightly. "Arm... leg... broken." she wheezed. 

"Let's see what we can do about that." He gently laid her head in his lap and took her hand. Her eyes widened as his fingers began to glow, sending energy into her, and helping her heal. 

"Doctor, stop it!" she tried to yank her hand out of his, but he held firmly. 

"Don't struggle, Nyxie." he ordered. 

"Doctor, stop, just STOP!" she cried, struggling to get up. He let go at last. 

Nyxie sprang up, good as new, but looking horrified. "WHY DID YOU DO THAT?!" 

"You needed healing, Nyxie!" protested the Doctor, stepping back. 


"Nyxie, you would have died again if I hadn't-" 

"SO WHAT? I DON'T CARE!" Her eyes streamed with tears now. "I HATE YOU!" 

She turned and ran from the console room, her sobs echoing behind her. 

The Doctor leaned on the railing, staring sadly after her. After a while, he called, "Nyxie, please. Let me talk to you." 

There was no response, so he went off in search of her. He finally found her in the library of all places. 

He saw her before she saw him. Her dark hair fell in her face as she bent over a book, scribbling a few things down on a piece of paper. 

"Nyxie?" he asked softly. 

She jumped, snapped the book closed and backed up against the bookshelf. 

"Nyxie, please. I'm sorry." he carefully stepped closer. 

"Why?" she whispered. "Why waste it on me?" 

He walked closer until he was right in front of her. "Nyxie, I- well, I..." 

She pressed against the shelf and looked up at him despondently. "Say something. Anything." 

He shook his head and took her hands. "I can't." 

Nyxie closed her eyes and looked down. A tear splashed on the floor.

"Then what's the point of you?" 

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