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"yeah it's me. serin, are you alright?"

"I'm fine."

"what are you doing here, eunsang?"

"i swore I heard someone shouting. It sounded like you." he replied.

"oh." serin said.

it was silent for a while.

then eunsang spoke up.

"serin, I need to tell you something. this is the perfect time to, since your always with...minhee." eunsang said, frowning at minhee's name.

serin noticed but instead of saying anything, she just kept silent.

"I have been wanting to say this for a while now. I know it may be weird since we live together and all. but I can't hold it back any more." eunsang said, taking a deep breath.

she has a feeling she knew what he was going to say.

he stepped closer to her and she gasped.

"I lik-"

"stop!" someone shouted from the staircase. serin and eunsang immediately turned around, serin pushing eunsang way quickly.

they saw a panting minkyu standing there.

"m-minkyu... hi!" serin squeaked.

minkyu closed the door and made their way towards them.

eunsang turned around and wondered why serin was blushing so hard.

suddenly, minkyu started talking, making eunsang turn back around.

"eunsang. before you...say anything, there's something I would like to say as well." he said, turning to face eunsang.

then serin.

she gulped and nodded slowly.

"I know that we've just met. but I feel a connection to you. like I've known you for ages. you are extremely nice, and pretty as well. so pretty." he begun.

serin covered her mouth with her hands. she blushed until it reached her neck.

the most handsome boy in school...thinks I am pretty...

she struggled to be normal and not dissolve in a fit of screams, cheers and giggles.

minkyu continued. "I, im sure. I've never felt so attached to someone before, especially not when I meet them for the first time. I'm sure that I like you, serin."

serin almost fell over in shock. she quickly covered her face, not wanting minkyu, or eunsang to she her blushing face.

I must be as red as my mom's lipstick right now.

eunsang seemed mad. he crossed his arms and glared at minkyu.

minkyu, on the other hand, stayed nonchalant.

he turned to serin and smiled sweetly.

"are you willing to accept my token of love?"

serin smiled shyly and was about to nod her head (wtf serin you're supposed to like minhee) when eunsang interrupted.

"kim minkyu. I don't know if you think that just because you're apparently the most handsome boy in school, you can disrupt me and serin's personal time." eunsang said with gritted teeth.

minkyu just smiled. "what were you about to do, the same as me, i assume?"

eunsang paused, still glaring at minkyu.

he then nodded.

serin, although she expected it, still felt shocked.


"yes, i was going to confess to serin too, minkyu. so kindly leave before I force you to. it's not going to be pretty! " eunsang shouted in anger.

"as if you can beat me up." minkyu scoffed, in a slightly louder voice.

just as eunsang was about to aim at minkyu's face with his fist, serin stepped in front of him and grabbed his arm.

"stop!" she screamed.

eunsang turned to serin and blushed.

then, the door slammed open.

"what's going on?" another male voice spoke out.

serin groaned. please not minhee please not minhee please not-

it was minhee.

serin let go of eunsang's hand and smacked her forehead.

"serin. I heard screaming from up here and I wanted to make sure you were okay." minhee panted.

even with a forehead soaked with sweat, minhee looked amazingly beautiful.

"i'm okay m-m-minhee..." she stuttered, overwhelmed by minhee's beauty.

he smiled gently at her, which made her heart skip a few beats.

eunsang and minkyu quietly watched.

serin couldn't believe it. three boys that liked her. three!

"wait, why are you guys here?" minhee said, turning to look at eunsang and minkyu.

"hello? didn't you hear male voices?" eunsang snapped.

"rude." minhee muttered which made serin giggle.

eunsang and minkyu glared at minhee instantly.

"we actually confessed our love to serin. coincidence, right? but she can only pick one person, in the end." minkyu said, arms akimbo.

"you serin?" minhee said, brushing his hair back.

thry nodded simultaneously and glared at each other.

serin would have laughed if the situation wasn't like this.

"I..." minhee muttered.

"I do too..." he said so softly that minkyu and eunsang didn't manage to catch it.

but serin did.

she looked away, feeling guilty.

rejecting two of them? how will I do that?

they are so sweet, it will break my heart for sure...

"you do too." minkyu smirked.

minhee slowly looked up at him, mouth open in shock. "h-how-"

"simple. you looked sad when I told you me and eunsang were here to confess to serin."

minhee looked down again.

"your right. I do."

minhee walked over to the two of them.

they turned to face serin.

"who's it gonna be, serin?"

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