twenty seven

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"minhee...i love you too..."

serin whispered, then widened her eyes.

should I have said that?

minhee immediately stopped and let go of her, staring right into her eyes.

"w-what?" he stammered, not believing his ears.

"I..." she bit her lip, looking down.

"I love you too." she looked back up.

minhee was dazed for a moment. she likes me...back?

after all this time, everything I did wasn't useless after all...

his lips curved up into a smile and he walked forwards, engulfing her in a hug.

"I've waited so long for you to say those 3 words." minhee whispered into her ear.

serin turned bright red. "s-stop..."

"no." minhee pressed her palms against her heated cheeks, grinning at her.

she smiled back, running her fingers through his hair.

was it just her, or did he look especially beautiful right then?

she stared at him, mesmerised.

mesmerised by his beauty.

wow, he's perfect.

she smiled at hor lucky she was, to have kang minhee.

"minhee... are we dating now?" she shyly said, looking everywhere but him.

"only if you want to..." he muttered.

"of course I do, mini." she laughed.

"mini?" he blushed, widening his eyes.

"I better come up with one for you too, then."

"how about rinrin?" he smirked.

"wow, that's so lame..." she turned away.

but she secretly loved it.


they walked back home after school together, hand in hand.

serin couldn't help but sigh happily.

minhee turned to look at her.

"you're so pretty, rinrin." he said out of the blue.

"hey..." she tucked her hair behind her ear, turning red.

he chuckled at her cuteness and ruffled her hair, before continuing to walk.

serin tightened her grip on her bag.

"so...are we going to tell them?" she asked.

"you mean those 10 boys? I guess we should." minhee said, knowing that they would definitely tease him.

soon, they stopped in front of their apartment.


"let's go..."

minhee inserted a key into the keyhole and he opened the door slowly, peeking inside.

when they thought no one was in the living room, they walked in slowly, hands still holding on to each other.

they slowly made their way into their shared bedroom when hyeongjun jumper out of his own room.

"hey hey hey! why are you holding hands?" he smirked, wiggling his eyebrows.

"hyeongjunnie, your going to be the first to know, okay?" serin whispered.

"know what?" dongpyo walked out as well, folding his arms.

minhee sighed.

"we" he said, smiling at serin.

then, cheers erupted from all directions, and both minhee and serin knew that everyone heard.

everyone walked out of their rooms, cheering.

"finally!" yohan rolled his eyes.

"we've waited so long.." seungyoun pretended to yawn.

"congratulations!" hyeongjun smiled cutely at serin then glared at minhee

"if you break her heart I will kill you." he death glared.

"calm down!" minhee widened his eyes and hugged onto serin tighter.

everyone noticed this small move and smirked at them.

"ah, I feel so single now..." wooseok sighed.

"guys, can we have our moment now?" minhee said, raising his hand and walking through.

serin held onto his hand and followed, waving to everyone still staring at the two.

once they closed the door, minhee sighed in relief.

"sorry about them." he scratched his neck.

"it's okay! it's fun anyway." serin walked up to him and placed a hand on his back.

"now that we're alone...whst do you want to do?" he asked.

she walked over to her bed and lay down, gesturing for minhee to follow.

he was flustered, but still walked over, cheeks bright red.

"minhee, why are you blushing?" it's normal to cuddle." she giggled.

"oh! we're cuddling..." he heaved a sigh of relief.

"why? what did you want to do?" serin smirked at him.

"nothing!" he smiled awkwardly and quickly wrapped his arms around her and pressed her head to his chest in an attempt to shut her up.

serin turned bright red.

thank god he can't see how much I'm blushing right now....

she wrapped her legs around his, looking up at him.

"I love you..."

then, the door burst open.

"I thought we locked the door?!" minhee looked at serin.

"we did!"

seungyoun pointed at them, cooing. "aww, cuddling!"

they all "awed" at the sight.

"my dear minhee, I have keys to every room." seungwoo said, holding the keys up.

minhee sighed.

"okay, now we'll leave you guys alone, okay?" hangyul said, rasing his eyebrows when minhee pressed her against him tightly, not letting her go.

"aw, so cute!" dongpyo squealed.

"please go guys!" minhee shouted, sitting up, causing everyone to swarm out of their room.

yohan was the last to leave, and quickly threw a condom at them. "have fun." he winked and locked the door.

minhee blushed a bright red, and serin did too.


this book will end here! sorry if its disappointing, I hate my book too :(( but I hope it's not too bad! I'll focus more on other books now, thank you so much for the support! I love you guys!!

my other books are:

jumper (cravity)

basketball (minhee x yujin)


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