twenty five

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"don't be suspicious, don't be suspicious. don't be-"

"what are you doing?"

serin immediately looked up, nearly dropping the bowl of instant noodles in her hand.

"im eating, duh..." she said like it was obvious.

"then why are you humming some stupid song and tiptoeing back to your room?" eunsang chuckled.

"you can just eat here, you know. I'm hungry too. let's eat together!" He smiled widely.

"oh..." serin's mind trailed off. she was supposed to share it with minhee back in her room...

but looking back at eunsang, he just looked so adorable it was nearly impossible to say no.

"okay, sure!" she faked a smile and sat down at the kitchen table.

eunsang, who held his breath awaiting her response, heaved a sigh of relief. he had been trying to find an opportunity to talk to serin for a long time.

grabbing a packet of ramen, he immediately started cooking, taking glances at serin who ate her ramrn silently.

"why does she look so sad?" he whispered, tilting his head in confusion.

he quickly poured the noodles into a bowl and walked over to her.

serin looked up and smiled at him. "hey..." she whispered.

"hi! serin-ah, why do you look so upset?" eunsang frowned.

"upset?" she repeated. had it been that obvious?

"I'm not upset, what do you mean?" she laughed and continued eating.

"really? okay then." he replied.

meanwhile, minhee was in his room waiting.

she promised that we would eat ramen together, why is it taking so long? he sighed.

should I go and see what's going on? he thought.

nah...i shouldn't bother her, she's probably just cooking. he nodded and went back to his bed.

after twenty minutes, serin came back into the room but with empty hands.

minhee frowned. wheres the ramen, and chopsticks for us?

"serin, wheres the ramen?" he asked, curious.

"uh..." she muttered. surely I can't say I ate with eunsang!

"im sorry, it smelled really good so I got hungry...?" she stammered an excuse.

minhee blinked twice and burst out laughing. "ah, you're so cute!" he smiled sweetly at her while ruffling her hair.

serin nodded awkwardly, feeling guilty. "I have to brush my teeth." she whispered and ran away.

minhee's smile lowered. "again..." he sighed.

he collapsed on his bed, arm over his eyes. "gahh!" he whisper-shouted when serin closed the door.

he sat up and blew the hair away from his view, staring at the closed bathroom door.

"I'll never have a chance to be with you..."

hii I'm rlly so so sorry for my SUPER SHORT chapter :'( but anyways if you checked my page, I've uploaded a new story "jumper"! (it's a cravity song <3) so it's pretty obv who the book is about haha! it's an imagines book, you can request for your fav member :) take note I don't do smuts >< please help me out by voting it and requesting! ty for reading!

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