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serin smiled while thinking about that and blushed slightly. minkyu's smile stretched into an even bigger one. aw, she's smiling because of me! he thought happily.

she shook her head and grabbed his hand. "let's go." she said and ran off, pulling minkyu with her.

"woah!" he shouted. amused at the fact that serin, a girl so much shorter than him, is dragging him to school, he chuckled under his breath. serin's heart fluttered unknowingly. perhaps, minhee isn't her true love?

"serin-ah, I didn't get to say this, but you look so pretty." he said, running his fingers through his hair. serin gasped and stopped abruptly, minkyu bumping into her from behind.

"ah!" she screamed, closing her eyes and waiting for her body to hit the rough ground beneath her.

but it never happened.

instead, she felt two strong hands grabbing onto her waist, preventing her from falling over.

she caught her breath and her eyes lowered to where minkyu's hands were. "t-thank you..." she muttered, stammering.

minkyu chuckled and steadied serin before letting go. she smiled, heat rushing up to her cheeks and ears. minkyu noticed but didn't say anything. instead, he grabbed her hand like how she grabbed his earlier and ran towards school.

serin blushed again, her free hand rising to smooth her hair down. smiling brilliantly, she ran slightly faster to be at the same speed as minkyu.

when they reached school, serin quickly let go of his hand and waved goodbye before stepping into school. minkyu was slightly confused but remembered serin saying that they should keep their "relationship" private. he sighed and pouted. that means less time with her.

in class, serin was falling asleep fast. "when will class end!" she almost shouted aloud but decided against it.

minhee, who was seated next to her, chuckled and ruffled her hair.

"huh?" serin said, blinking a few times groggily. she quickly combed her hair down with her hand. minhee stifled a laugh and continued writing down notes.

"hey, let me copy yours." serin cheekily giggled and snatched his notes away from him. "hey!" minhee shouted, playfully punching her shoulder and took them back.

"kang minhee and kim serin, what are you doing?" the teacher boomed. they immediately shut their mouths. the teacher seemed content that they weren't making noise any longer and went back to teaching.

right after she turned her back, they burst out into soft giggles.

little did serin, or rather, both of them know, someone was watching them with a frown on his face.

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