Chapter 14: Christmas

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Buckle up readers this is a long one.

Error woke me up early in the morning. I tiredly looked at my love to see what the problem was.
"Sweetheart, it's Christmas. Wake up." He said.
I giggled and got up like he wanted. He took me downstairs and we sat on the couch together waiting for his family.
  I laid my head on his shoulder he smiled and pulled me onto his lap.
  "Why are we up so early?" I questioned.
  "I really don't know. It's kind of just something we do." He answered.
  "Do you mind if I give you your present later? When it's just us?" I asked.
  He kissed my cheek.
  "Ok." He smiled.
  His family came downstairs so I decided to leave. Error and his mom stopped me.
  "Why are you leaving?" His mom asked.
  "Oh, from what I understand this is a 'family' thing." I replied.
  "You live here." She said.
  "Yeah. And besides I have another present for you." Error added.
  I blushed and hugged them. Error hugged back.
  "Thank you..." I said.
  "I love you."
  He kissed me quickly and we sat back with his family.
  They all made me feel really happy. Like they made me feel like a part of their family. They didn't ignore me or yell at me. They weren't even yelling.
This is scary to me. Are they planning something? Are they tricking me?
I was taken out of thought by Error tapping my shoulder. I lean my head back. He laughed, turned his back to me, and did the same.
I laughed to. We both turned to each other and he held my hand.
"Merry Christmas." He said, giving me a neatly wrapped gift.
I felt weird. Like i was undeserving of everything he's giving me.
"Oh...oh Error, I appreciate it but you already got me the ring and-"
"Ink." He whined.
I sat there for a second, he smiled at me. I sighed and smiled back.
"You're lucky I like ya."
I opened it. I grinned and looked up at him.
"All twelve seasons?" I asked.
"Plus the movies." He replied
I hugged him.
He held me.
"Are you gonna cry?"
"Maybe." I giggled.
He got me all twelve seasons of the x-files and both of the movies. The most beautiful damn gift I've ever gotten.
Later I was told that they were having a party with all of their family coming over. I didn't really have any 'decent' clothes so his mom said she'd help me out with that.
Once they were done with gifts his mom lead me to her room.
"'re pretty small so my clothes might be a bit big on you." She said.
I shrugged.
"Honestly as long as it doesn't expose my arms I'll be good." I told her.
"Why?" She asked.
"Look, just... long sleeves or gloves. Please." I told her.
She nodded. I ended up in a black dress with black tights and a fake gold necklace. I still wore my ring Error gave me.
Because I like it and it. It's comforting. I put his picture in it. I had to draw it though.
She gave me black heels to wear as well. Lucky for me I wear heeled boots so I can walk in them.
"You look beautiful." She said.
"I feel weird." I told her.
"What do you mean?" She asked.
"You've all been really nice to me. Literally nobody cared before I met him." I said. "And honestly, I appreciate the love but I'm... afraid."
"Because... I don't want it to turn out to be fake." I said.
She hugged me.
"It's not fake. He loves you. He really does."
"I know... thank you for everything you've done for me." I said.
"Of course. You're a nice kid. Well, mostly." She said.
I laughed.
We went downstairs and I have to say... they have a lot of family.
Error walked to me. He looked stunned when he saw me. I have to say he looked pretty cute to in his sweater.
"Holy shit. Never thought I'd see you in a dress." He said.
"Yeah yeah don't overthink it." I told him.
"You look really pretty. I-I mean you always look pretty but- y-you know what I mean."
I nodded. I actually had a lot of fun that night. I told kids stories of when I lived with my parents and probably scared some of them.
I also showed them some of my drawings. It was nice. They were all amazed by how good it was.
I didn't think that it was that good but, maybe that's because I drew it.
I was told how cute repeatedly I was by their grandma as Geno and Reaper tried not to laugh.
Their aunt basically interrogated every moment of my being. She was annoying. I didn't answer many of her questions truthfully.
I got into a fight with their uncle and won. Error was really happy about that.
That was about it. We ate dinner and they went home. I changed into my pajamas and Error and I finally got some alone time.
"Ok, do you want your gift?" I asked.
"Yeah." He replied.
I took one of my sketchbooks out of the drawer and gave it to him.
"I drew all of my favorite moments with you which as you can see are a lot. Enough to fill a book." I said.
He smiled and hugged me. He was crying.
"Inky I love it!" He said.
I was a bit scared. I thought he'd despise me for it. I mean, it's just some drawings. But... they mean a lot to him.
We looked through it together. He pointed out some of his favorites to. All in all I'd say we both enjoyed our first Christmas together.

Error POV
Inky is so good at drawing. My favorite out of this entire book though is the very first one of when we first got together.
Oh, I remember showing her our building and going to that motel.
We've grown so much closer since then. And as cheesy as it sounds I've only fallen deeper in love with my baby.
Inky fell asleep by the time I had finished looking through it. She looked so peaceful.
I laid next to her.
She slowly woke up.
"So this is a yearly thing?" She asked.
"Yep. We do this every year. And it keeps getting better." I replied, putting an arm around her and pulling her close.
"...I like it."
"Me too."
She kissed me. I kissed back.
"I wish id celebrated Christmas before. I've never had so much fun around people." She told me.
I chuckled.
"Well then I think you'll love new year's. It's basically just drinking and a traditional kiss at midnight." I said.
She sat up.
"Like, what kinda kiss?" She asked.
I laughed and pulled her back down.
"Any kind of kiss. Though most go for short and sweet."
"Boring." She said. "That's a bullshit kiss." She said.
"Like I said, any kind of kiss."
"I know."
We laid in silence for a few seconds.
"Do you really like the gift or are you just trying to make me feel good?"
"Both. I love the gift and I want you to feel good."
"Damn you and your cuteness."
I laughed and kissed her forehead. I love her so much.

Merry Christmas or happy holidays to people who don't celebrate it. A few shoutouts to some friends.

Here. Everyone have some art. And join a squad!

 And join a squad!#errorinkprotectionsquad#inkprotectionsquad#errorprotectionsquad

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